Do it yourself: sensory balloons, a stimulating game for children

One of the most frequent things in children is that they get tired of the toys they have at home very easily. In my case, I think that my son likes to play with my molds to cut cookies than with his figures to build towers ... although probably if my molds were his toys, I would also hate them in a matter of days.

I want to propose a game to do with children, it is called "sensory balloons", you can make it yourself at home. It is very likely that you have everything you need to prepare the game and do not even have to leave home (it is a good option to do games with children at home when it rains).

Game Name: Sensory Balloons

To make this game we can use anything we have at home, especially in the kitchen. Take note of what you need:

  • elements for touch / sound: rice, lentils, lacasitos, jelly beans, sugar, flour, cereals, cous cous, bath gel, sesame seeds, etc ...
  • 1 funnel
  • drinking straws or a japanese stick
  • colored balloons (for example: 4 different colors - 3 of each)

How to introduce materials into the globe

We introduce the funnel inside the hole of the globe
We choose the material that we want to introduce and with the help of a straw or a Japanese stick we press to lower the material through the funnel. If you introduce any liquid, you can use a ketchup type boat (squeezeable).

In my case I filled a total of 12 balloons:
3 pink balloons and 3 purple balloons carried bath gel, sesame and plasticine
3 blue and 3 green balloons carried water, rice and flourSensory balloons ready to be examined by my 2 year old son

How the game works

  • One option would be to start by having the child sort the balloons by color (my 23-month-old son is what he has done best of all).
  • We make them match the balloons according to the content (something similar to memory but with touch).
  • Once they are familiar with the game, we can introduce the rest of the balloons.
  • To finish the game, we can show you the contents of the balloons on some plates and guess what each balloon carries.
  • Another idea is to put a bowl with water and see which balloons float and which ones stay on the surface.matching balloons by colors

The idea is that you fill the balloons yourself and then the children guess the content and match them according to the food they carry. You can also play in reverse, that your children fill them out and you guess the content (but for this you must be sure that they will have the skill for it (because otherwise, it can be chaos), anyway, why not let them get stained and dirty a little? sure they enjoy and learn while preparing them. We just have to condition the space in case of accidents (I recommend you not to use liquids unless the craft is done outside, or you have a room proof liquids)1. rice, 2. lacasitos, 3. modeling clay, 4. water

In Babies and More Science Workshop: experiments with water (I)

Video: DIY Sensory Activities for Kids (July 2024).