Babies perceive that we are sad

A work published recently in the Current Biology Magazine and conducted by British researchers at King College London states that Babies can perceive that we are sad.

To reach this conclusion, he has performed MRIs on the brains of babies for more than 3 months while they slept and studied how their brains reacted to different sounds, some environmental and others coming from the human voice.

The most striking thing was that when the researchers reproduced human voices expressing sadness, an area of ​​the temporal cortex was activated, but there was no significant reaction if instead of crying or sad voices the children heard sounds such as coughs, cheerful voices or environmental sounds such as running from the water of a tap or Some toys hitting each other.

The human voice expresses emotions and, given the conclusions of the study, babies can recognize and perceive when they hear voices that denote negative emotions, being sensitive to these stimuli.

Actually, although I already knew that Babies perceive if we are sad, and I find it very interesting to be scientifically proven so that we learn to be more aware of your emotions.