Singular pregnancy of identical triplets

We have known the news of a very rare next birth. This week they will be born in Malaga identical triplets, which is already a rarity, and even more so that they have been conceived naturally.

It is more possible when it comes to assisted reproduction, but that it is a spontaneous conception is absolutely unusual, only one case of every 200 million pregnancies.

The couple from Malaga wanted to find a sister for their two-year-old son and what a surprise they took when they saw that their pregnancy was a unique case of triamnotic monochorion gestation when neither of them has a family history of multiple pregnancies.

In more understandable words for ordinary people, a triamniotic monochromic pregnancy is the result of fertilization of an egg and a sperm that were divided into three embryos in the first stage of pregnancy. All three feed on the same placenta, with three umbilical cords but each one develops in its own amniotic bag.

Monocorial pregnancies have a five-fold higher risk of abortion, twice the perinatal death, growth restriction, preterm birth and four times the risk of major fetal abnormalities. The cause is related to the zygote partition.

They are called identical triplets because they share the same genetic information of the union of the two gametes, however although it is said that it is impossible to recognize them, the fingerprints are different and of course each will have personal characteristics that differentiate them.

What is certain is that due to their peculiar way of being conceived, surely Diego, Jesus and José will have a very special connection. In a few days we will find out about his happy birth.

Video: Rare identical triplets born in Montana (June 2024).