Children fed with formula milk suffer more infections than those who breastfeed

One of the benefits of breastfeeding with respect to artificial milk is that it provides defenses that help babies fight infections and "evil" external agents.

This benefit has been known for a long time and a new study carried out at the Marina Alta Hospital, in Dénia, concludes this, which Children fed with formula milk suffer more infections than those who breastfeed.

The study was carried out with a sample of 1,500 children comparing those who have breastfed with those who have taken artificial milk and it has been observed that these children, in general, get sicker, visit more in health centers and in the emergency department and They take more medications.

At the nutritional level they also have more digestive problems since they are drinking a milk that really is not that of their own species.

How do you explain this?

Babies are born with the immature immune system. This means that it has certain defensive deficiencies. Nature has an excellent resource to alleviate this deficit, which is none other than to nourish the mother's milk of immune cells.

Artificial milk does not provide these defenses (the list of cells, antimicrobial agents, enzymes and bacteria provided by breast milk is long and sounds a bit "Chinese" to explain it carefully) and therefore babies are more exposed to possible infections .

In fact, the study says that Infants fed with formula milk were admitted 14 times more for gastrointestinal infections and five times more for respiratory problems (bronchitis, pneumonia) during the first six months of life than babies who had received breast milk.

How bad is artificial milk?

No. It is not so bad because artificial milk is not bad. If children enter more, it is not because artificial milk causes them infections, but because it does not give them help in the form of defenses that protect them while their immune system matures and they create their own defenses themselves.

Video: Thrush. When to Worry. Parents (July 2024).