A pedophile working in a nursery

Through Menéame we have known a surprising news and with which we have made our hair stand on end. Apparently, a pedophile was sentenced by the German justice to make social benefits, given the possibility of choosing the type of benefit, requested to work in a nursery and as expected, he ended up abusing the children again.

It is something that is not really understood, if he had already committed pedophile crimes and the judge who judged him had perfect record of it, how is it possible that he was assigned such a social work? They say it was a regrettable mistake, but more than unfortunate we would say tragic, since it has destroyed many families and could have ended the life of a child. The worst of all is to be able to verify how sometimes justice acts in a very wrong way, he was only ordered to pay 3,000 euros for the crime he had committed or failing to perform 72 hours of social benefit. Apparently, the mistake was made by the social worker responsible for the pedophile, who argues overwork (irresponsibility we would say) and the corresponding disciplinary measures have already been taken.

We hope that German justice is more forceful with pedophilia cases and of course that social workers take note of what happened and are much more responsible, since we are talking about individuals who are a potential danger to children.

Video: Police interview nursery paedophile Vanessa George (July 2024).