Eat better at school

From a certain age, many children eat better at school than at home, parents can sometimes be baffled by this fact but it is a completely normal behavior.

There are several factors for this to happen, the little ones like to imitate the behaviors they observe around them, in addition to eating with other children encourages them to eat more and more varied. The relationship they have with the person in charge of the dining room is also very important and influential since this relationship is more objective than the one maintained by the parents.

The neutrality of the person in charge of the dining room is very important and her attitude on most occasions avoids emotional blackmail with the food, unlike the situation at home where sometimes the little ones usually do this type of blackmail. In the school canteen an important routine is created, that of eating every day at the same time, in addition the varied menu allows you to enjoy several totally different meals daily.

Parents should not be bothered by this attitude and should adapt their way of doing so that the child feels as well at home as at school, provide a varied and balanced diet, never force him to eat and much less scold him if he does not . You have to get used to following a time routine and always feed him in the same place.

Try to have the child collaborate at the table with the preparation of this and try to let him eat alone even if occasionally give him a spoonful of food.

The important thing is that the child develops properly and that the parents contribute to it, it is better to eat well in school and to facilitate the task of eating well at home.

Video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (July 2024).