What to do in front of a tantrum

Being a father has two basic functions, giving the affection our child needs to grow with a good base of self-esteem and setting rules and limits to guide his behavior in a good direction. Achieving balance of both functions is a challenge.

Between the ages of 2 and 6 our children begin to have their own will and question the rules we set. Although it is normal, it is necessary to know how to control these behaviors well so that they do not become a habit and so that they do not try to get what they want using their hardest weapon to appease, the tantrums.

The best way to deal with a tantrum is to prevent it. For this we must learn to avoid difficult situations and anticipate their reactions.

If our child should stop doing something he likes, it is helpful to let him know a little earlier so that he prepares himself mentally and accepts the limit we have set better, being more helpful if he turns his attention to something else. Children do not recognize their tiredness and sometimes show it with an irascible behavior, so it is advisable not to limit their ability to endure, as well as get used to routines that tell you when you should go to sleep, eat or bathe.

The strategies to follow once the tantrum has started may vary depending on the child, but some useful are, take you to another room or place where you can break the tantrum dynamics. If there are people in front, leave the place for a few minutes, because sometimes, if there is no public, the tantrum loses value. Show him when he calms down that we like his behavior more and the people around us too.

Although it is difficult, we must be firm and not be carried away by our own anger. There are parents who react with anger, do not set an example of self-control, reaching the same height as the child and thus losing authority.

The child needs his parents to understand him and help him express his emotions better. At the time of the tantrum it is very difficult to talk, it is better to wait for the situation to calm down and explain what we did not like about his behavior, making him understand the reason for the limits we put on him.

There is no better test of patience for some parents, than calmly face a tantrum. We are an example for our children and we must show them what we expect from them.

Video: What To Do When Your Child Throws A Temper Tantrum (July 2024).