What happens if I gain a lot of weight in pregnancy?

The visit to the gynecologist becomes the most feared moment for many pregnant women. Have I gone over kilos? Why do I gain so much weight? What happens if I gain a lot of weight in pregnancy? These are some of the questions women ask during this stage and we will try to answer them.

After seeing what happens if I gain little weight during pregnancy we move to the opposite extreme (and that is usually more common): when the pregnant woman takes excess kilos, which carries certain risks.

However, we will start by saying that "much" or "little" weight will depend on each particular case (well, 20 kilos is very much in any case) and each woman will move in a different "ideal" weight gain range. But we already know that, approximately, it is considered an acceptable weight gain which is situated between 9 and 12 kilos.

I would say that if there are 15 nothing happens, but that must be determined by the doctor in each case. Because maternal health status can be measured by many variables and adequate fetal growth must also be controlled, which is done in periodic pregnancy check-ups. If your weight is above recommended, you may have more checkups and ultrasound exams.

What they shouldn't do is make you feel guilty about an issue that you don't control, but rather offer you solutions and tools to control your weight (below we guide you about it).

These are some of the most frequent risks for pregnant women who are overweight, which are usually between 20% and 40% of women in state:

  • During the months of pregnancy, excess weight increases the risk of a wide range of diseases and medical complications: hypertension, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, thromboembolism, urinary tract infections, threat of preterm birth, instrumented vaginal delivery, caesarean section, postpartum hemorrhage, infection…

  • Circulatory problems are more frequent, especially in the third trimester, such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, edema ...

  • The greater muscular and bone load makes the overweight pregnant women suffer more leg, back pain, more difficulties to sleep and rest ... They also get fatigued before doing any exercise or effort.

  • The baby can also be affected by excess maternal weight, since the environment where the fetus develops, that is, the conditions of the maternal uterus, condition its development during its postnatal life. In the future they may develop obesity, type 2 diabetes or osteoporosis. Other risks such as neurological problems such as autism and schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, premature aging and even cancer have also been reported.

  • In addition, there is a risk that there are underdiagnosed fetal complications due to the worse visualization of the organs on ultrasound scans (due to the layer of fat that interposes between the ultrasound device and the fetus).

  • There is a risk of fetal macrosomia (excessive fetus size, more than 4.5 kg), fetal distress, hypoglycemia, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in bilirubin), hydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) and congenital malformations, especially cardiac and neurological (spina bifida ...). It also increases the risk of fetal death.

  • The mother recovers worse from surgical operations and there is an increased risk of complications.

  • Even, obesity in pregnancy It could pose a risk of premature death for the mother according to one study, since the mother is more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease in the future.

  • Finally, we can say that mothers who have gained too much weight during pregnancy have a harder time recovering the line after birth, as is logical. And this will be convenient for the future of your health.

Tips to control pregnancy weight

We want to avoid all the above risks, so we have to be aware that we can do a lot to try keep an adequate weight, without getting too fat during pregnancy. And we focus on two fundamental aspects. Diet and physical activity.

The pregnant woman has to eat and drink in a healthy way during pregnancy, with a diet has to be varied and balanced, rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium and iodine, but not in fats or sugars. With frequent vegetables and fruits (several servings a day), cereals, dairy and legumes and a daily intake of meat and fish protein. Avoid precooked, sugary drinks, unhealthy snacks ...

In addition to an ideal weight gain is essential perform physical exercise appropriate to our state, as long as there are no medical impediments or risks (for this reason you always have to consult the gynecologist): swimming, yoga, going for a walk, the Pilates method ...

It is never too late to start moving, but if you have not done it for months, start slowly so as not to increase the risks. Therefore, we recommend that, whenever possible, exercise even before pregnancy.

These keys will provide the pregnant woman with a better general physical condition and in this way she will be able to spend a better pregnancy and face the birth with fewer risks, while providing health to her child.

If, despite following these tips, you are unable to maintain an adequate weight and gain a lot of weight at this stage, consult the gynecologist, who should find out the cause and see if this increase is causing significant damage. Gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy can be dangerous and we don't want to take risks, neither for the mother, nor for the baby.

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In Babies and more | What happens if I gain little weight in pregnancy? Weight in pregnancy: how much it is recommended to gain and how to control it, Risks of excessive weight gain during pregnancy

Video: How Much Weight Should You Gain in Pregnancy? Kaiser Permanente (May 2024).