"Brain storm": helps children become people with great potential to "BE"

If "The child's brain" helps the family to progress, "Brain Storm" turns out to be a clarifying book on how teenagers' brain works, and what can parents do to help our sons and daughters become people who have the potential and the strength to be.

This new work by Daniel Siegel challenges us to accept that the vision of adolescence by adults is usually surrounded by myths that are perpetuated (as if we were unable to remember that we have also gone through this period). Teenagers are not immature or behave irrationally, they are people who go through a stage that is complicated but at the same time very important in our lives, to define the direction of the adult in which we all become.

Not long ago, a friend told me that she had read a book about adolescence in which the author claimed that it is impossible to empathize with a person who is going through this stage. I don't believe in that, that's why I like that Siegel, a psychiatrist and author of other successes, as well as an expert in the human mind, shows us teenagers brain from inside.

Our children will one day be teenagers, but instead of sitting in a corner of their (or our) lives to complain and lament, we can follow closely (as closely as they leave us, it is understood) their development ... exciting.

The way in which this organ (the brain) develops, affects our behavior and relationships, so at least to learn a little more, the book becomes essential, from my point of view. In addition to reading the book we will help the boys and girls to understand each other, so that the relationships they establish could be more satisfactory

Goleman himself (Daniel) author of "Emotional Intelligence" recommends the work, and so does the doctor Deepak Chopra.

This book is for them, although you will read it. Don't be scared if you have trouble getting started: its density and professional explanations, can "back down", nothing is further from reality, once the rhythm is caught, progress is made lightly.

It has four parts and talks about mindight tools, challenges, attachments, parent presence, empathy, integration and much more. I recommend it, its price is 22.50 euros.

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