To the movies with your baby: sessions adapted to enjoy movies with the baby

When was the last time you went to the movies? By becoming parents we can spend years without the movies. When the sprout is born, the exits are suspended and when they resume, it is only to watch children's films.

A great idea is the one that a mother from Sabadell has had who wanted to continue going to the movies to watch movies with her baby and proposed an initiative thanks to which they offer adapted sessions so that parents can enjoy the cinema with their babies.

The project goes hand in hand with the Interferències entity and is underway in the Imperial Cinemas. There are broadcast sessions with attenuated sound and light so that babies can spend some leisure time with their parents, without them giving up their passion for cinema or having to leave them in the care of others.

A few days before, parents can choose through the social networks the movie they are going to watch and the best is the atmosphere, because everyone is in the same situation. Nobody is going to get angry because a child cries, has to be fed or because someone has to get up from the room to change a diaper.

Without a doubt, a good initiative that should be extended to other cities. The idea is to share a good time with the children and that parents do not spend years without going to the movies.

Video: Dreams I Never Had. Award Winning Movie. Full Length. HD. Drama (July 2024).