How to make a smart and healthy family purchase?

In the times that run it is important to make the purchase for a healthy diet in a planned way, not to exceed the budget or fall into temptations not recommended or facilitate food loss quality.

The daily rush can cause us to make a little responsible purchase, but on holidays, with more time to plan, we can get used to this way of buying and thus continue throughout the year making the family purchase better. Surely they will appreciate the pockets of the elderly and the health of the whole family.

The Spanish Community Nutrition Society offers some tips for a better realization of family shopping:

  • Plan the menu in advance (daily or weekly, depending on how we make the purchase), trying to incorporate a wide variety of foods and respect the rations of the food pyramid.

  • Think about what meals will be made in the week, and who will eat at home. If the children go to the dining room, if we have guests, if one day we will be out ...

  • Pay attention to offers or price lists of food that we can find in magazines, brochures ... Compare prices and quality, do not choose only by brands.

  • Review the pantry of our kitchen, not to buy something that we still have in sufficient quantity.

  • Make a list of foods to buy, with three columns: non-perishable (rice, sugar, pasta ...); fresh foods (milk, cheese, meats ...), and frozen. Thus we will give an order to the purchase, which must begin with the non-perishable ones, continue with the fresh ones and end with the frozen ones. We will avoid product quality losses.

  • With this same purpose, the refrigerated food must be placed together and the frozen foods stored in an isothermal bag so that they do not defrost before arriving home.

  • In the car, it is convenient not to place the meat and raw fish on other products, as they could drip and contaminate them. In addition, food must be properly separated from toxic products (cleaning products, insecticides ...).

  • You have to try to go shopping with time, rested and without hunger, so we can better compare prices, product quality and choose the best option. Although this is not always possible when we go shopping with babies (the rush in case you have to eat, if you wake up ...), so we can also compare from home.

  • It is convenient to read the information that appears on the packaging label. This will help make a better selection.

  • Check the date of preferential consumption or expiration of food.

  • It is also necessary to verify the nutritional information of the label, very useful when evaluating between the quality of one product or another.

  • Check that the product packaging is in perfect condition. We must discard the dented, bulged or damaged.

In this way, planning the menu and buying, we save time, money, we achieve more variety in meals, and if we look at the types of foods that best suit our family, we better meet our nutritional needs.

Definitely, it is possible to make a smart and healthy family purchase, surely you already follow many of these tips to get it, before and during your visit to the supermarket.

Video: How To Make A Smart Car Purchase (July 2024).