Children can now bathe in the pool with warm water

The coldest place I've bathed has been, by far, the Cies Island that in a moment of euphoria I dared to get into the Atlantic Ocean While I was hearing myself say that, alas, ay, ay! In any case, bathing in the summer at sea or in the pool with cold water is a pleasure for the senses and is very much enjoyed. Anyway, and as there are people for everything, I have read in Microsiervos that you can try to heat the pool water with a low cost investment. Because high cost ones include cover them with plastics, with beautiful glass covers or move pool water throwing it through the roof of the house to warm it in a closed circuit and return to the warmer pool and increasing the temperature. I saw this last system working at a friend's house and it was amazing how it improved and kept the temperature.

The low cost option consists of buy hula-hops That they will cover or close with a dark material It transmits the heat well. As explained in Microsiervos when the pool is not used during the day the sunlight will be transmitted to the water and will remain under the hula-hops increasing the temperature. The system works better the more days they are in the water and the hotter it is. The original assembly includes black polyethylene as heat absorber Although it is best to try until you find the right solution.

The system does not bother too much, that is, the kids can continue bathing and they can even use the hula-hops as additional entertainment on the water. In any case, if you have to collect them, they are collected quickly because the rings are very large and cover a lot of surface.

I like the ambient temperature of the water and I'm not in favor of heating the water although there is always someone who needs it or who prefers it so you can try this system that seems very simple. And surely if you wear you can find some low cost solution with square or hexagonal structures to cover more surface because with the circular structure a lot of surface is left out, you can calculate it with Brilliant.

Any other creative innovation that you want to share, we will be happy to read it.

Video: Natural Water Birth - Birth Center (June 2024).