Paco Arango, President of the Aladina Foundation: "What else more important can I do in my life?"

For several years I have been following the activity of Paco Arango with the Aladina Foundation and in Peques and Más we have commented many of the initiatives that they carry out and that aim to improve the health of the smallest cancer patients. Am very grateful to Paco Arango He has kindly dedicated his time answering some questions in which he tells us about the activity of the Aladina Foundation and especially explains how we can help collaborate to help children suffering from cancer. Paco has a very interesting and successful track record because he studied film in the United States and after a few years living in The Angels I sign a contract with Sony to start his career as solo singer taking out five albums in Spain and Latin America. In 1999 I leave the song to direct a television and film producer call Calcon. His first project was the television series Aladina, starring Paz Padilla, who spent many years at TVE and was the GECA award for the most watched program in the chain. Another reference series was The tenant with Jorge Sanz as the protagonist and issued by Antenna 3.

Twelve years ago Paco began volunteering weekly at the Niño Jesús Hospital. His small contribution was gradually becoming a great collaboration and in 2005 he decided to form the Aladina Foundation, taking as its name the series that children and adults liked so much. The Aladina Foundation operates under the premise that: magic exists and miracles too, but as they sometimes take a while to arrive, the Aladina Foundation will try to keep that time in the hospital in the best possible way.

Inspired by his work at the Aladina Foundation, Paco wrote, produced and directed his first feature film, Maktub, which premiered in December 2011 and was nominated for three Goya awards in the categories of: best new director, best supporting actress, Goya Toledo and best original song, Our beach is you. The main character is based on Antonio, a Canarian boy Paco met at the Niño Jesús Hospital and gave his protagonist a name. In addition, behind this film there is a wonderful solidarity project because with the collection the foundation has built the Maktub Center, a bone marrow transplant unit at the Niño Jesús Hospital, which opened in February 2013.

What is the Aladina Foundation and what are its objectives

The Aladina Foundation is a private non-profit organization created in 2005, which provides material, psychological and emotional support to children and adolescents suffering from cancer and their families. The main objective of the foundation is to care for, accompany and clothe children and their families throughout the disease process, and even after it. The important thing is that children never lose the fighting spirit and keep alive the desire to heal.

What is the Maktub Center of the Hospital del Niño Jesús in Madrid and what is its function?

The Maktub Center is the most ambitious project that the Foundation has carried out so far. It is a pioneer center in Spain in the field of bone marrow transplants that has the latest technological advances and has cost more than 500,000 euros. In its first year, it has performed 63 bone marrow transplants, a figure that has exceeded the initial forecasts of 45 to 50 transplants per year.

In Aladina we are very happy to have carried out the construction of the Maktub Center, as it is helping to save the lives of many children suffering from cancer.

In its first year the Maktub Center has performed 63 bone marrow transplants

How can we help and collaborate with the Aladina Foundation?

There are several ways to collaborate with us. As you can imagine, the most necessary to continue carrying out our work is Become a member of the foundation or make a timely contribution. For very little money a month, each the amount you want and can, you can be part of the "Aladina family" and you can not imagine what these contributions help us. You can register on our Aladina page.

Another way to help us spread our work is to become Ambassador Aladina. Anyone who has a blog, a website or just a profile on a social network, can be an Ambassador and publish information about our programs and activities to support children. It is free and very simple. You can enter the Aladina Ambassadors page to learn more.

Finally, but without a doubt, the foundation's engine is the Daily volunteering at the Niño Jesús Hospital and at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid. We have a fantastic team of 41 volunteers who go to the hospital every afternoon and give their love and time to sick children.

Unfortunately, the number of volunteers is marked by the hospitals themselves and for some time we have had to put on a waiting list all the people who call us to volunteer because at the moment it is impossible There are more than 300 people already signed up, we are impressed with the love of the people!

What kind of resources are most demanded in the Foundation?

As explained above, the reality is that without the financial contributions of private partners and collaborating companies, Aladina would not exist. We are a 100% private foundation and we work hard to get people to know us and see the work we do at the bedside in hospitals. It is the only way to get them to get involved and join our fight against childhood cancer. In order to help more sick children and adolescents every year and launch new support programs, we need funds and that many people put their grain of sand. So I take this opportunity that you give me to repeat it WE NEED PARTNERS!

What is the response of the Niño Jesús Hospital to your presence and collaboration in the center?

Positive. We have a very direct and personal relationship with the hospitals where we work. After all, we have been working in this hospital for eight years and we are all in the same boat. There is a common desire to help these wrestlers and their families while they are hospitalized.

We have a direct and very personal relationship with the families we know in the hospital

How do parents respond to your collaboration, assistance and support?

If you enter our page in Aladina you can read the amount of letters from parents, children, and families in general, that write to us to thank us for the love and support they have received from the foundation team.

For us, there is no better reward for our work than knowing that in the toughest moments of their lives, they have found support in us that has helped them move forward. The families we meet at the hospital, end up becoming part of our life, we have a direct and very personal relationship with almost all of them.

What is the engine that encourages you to continue committing to this project?

No doubt the children. Each of them, each existence fighting the fierce enemy that is cancer. I have seen that I can really help, put out fires so that the illusion is not lost. What else can I do in my life?

What maximum and minimum ages do children who are admitted have?

In the Pediatric Oncology Units, which is where we work, there are children who do not reach the year of life, they are very small, and even adolescents of approximately 18-20 years.

In the Pediatric Oncology Units there are children from months of age to 18-20 years

What is your next film project?

I am with several projects because this film is unpredictable. The most important is called 11%. I spent half a year working with Ron Bass, the American screenwriter who won an Oscar for the movie "Rain Man." It is a beautiful story of an extraordinary woman who welcomes lost people to give them another chance.

And so far the interview with Paco Arango to whom we thank very much his collaboration with Peques and Más and especially his commitment and dedication with the children. We wish him much strength to continue doing magic, hope that there is always a miracle and never lose hope.