When should they start sleeping with a pillow?

The pillow It is one of the essentials of adults at bedtime. We can sleep without her, but with her we sleep much better because of the shape of our body, which asks us something under the head depending on the position in which we are.

Babies, because of their different anatomy than adults and because having a pillow can even be dangerous, they should not use it. But children, however, can use it. When should they start sleeping with a pillow? Let's explain.

The pillow, necessary to sleep on your side

Many adults say they don't use a pillow, which is not necessary, however the natural position of the body requires it. When we lie on our backs, if we don't have a pillow, the head makes an extension that can be annoying for many people. Not for everyone, and it is true that you can sleep without it, but for many who are more comfortable with a small elevation that keeps the spine more straight.

In case of sleeping on your stomach, which is the least recommended position but with which I, for example, sleep better, the pillow could also be considered expendable, because when sleeping in that position we tip the head and the presence of a pillow also causes a Not recommended extension. If a pillow is used, it must be thin or, as I do, we should put the head on the end of the pillow, as if resting only a part of the head on it and the rest on the mattress.

If you sleep sideways, which is the most recommended position for rest (sideways, with semi-flexed legs), the pillow is totally necessary. Our shoulders far exceed the head, and if we are on our side without a pillow, the head falls, hangs. Either you put your arm under, which is quite uncomfortable, or you use a pillow.

But children have another body

Children, on the other hand, have a much larger head in proportion and have no problem sleeping sideways or on their backs without it, so they don't need it in either position. On the stomach, I don't speak because you already know that the prone position is not recommended because of the risk of sudden death, but come on, if they could sleep like this, they don't need a pillow.

Until the year, the use of the pillow is very little advisable because of the risk of sudden death that implies that they have cushions, pillows, stuffed animals or soft items near their heads. So until the year no pillows (unless they are the cushions for plagiocephaly, which are adapted to babies, and that require proper placement under the baby's head).

From that age the pillow should be put when they need it. I do not say a specific age because it depends a lot on each child, but in my house, for example, we put the pillow on that age, a year, a pretty thin and soft, and they have been the ones who have used it when they have Dear. When not, they have slept lower in bed, leaving her above forgotten.

But when do they need it physically?

Physically, that is, because of the shape of their body, they need it at the moment when the shoulders are wider than their heads and, consequently, the heads begin to hang in case of sleeping on their side. This happens two or three years ago, so it's about that age when they probably sleep better with her than without her.

But, as I say, it all depends on each child. There are children of a year and a half who sleep better with a pillow and children of three years who sleep better without it.

Video: How to Sleep with Pillows, Pillow Sleeping Tips for Back & Neck Pain. Inner Sun Chiropractic Austin (July 2024).