Something as natural as pregnancy and childbirth

Although pregnancy is a natural processOften, there is a perception that the pregnant woman is a patient and this helps the medicalization process that occurs frequently and intensely at the time of delivery.

But, although women do require care during pregnancy and special follow-up to control the proper development of pregnancy, both this and childbirth are natural processes.

Luckily, there are more and more medical professionals who, during pregnancy, attend to women in a more personalized way, offering them scientifically proven health recommendations and effectively resolving their doubts and concerns. And this despite the cuts in health, which often lead to too short consultations.

There are also more hospitals that, according to this premise, treat pregnant women in a more humanized way, making childbirth respected, attending to the mother's requests and to what the World Health Organization recommends.

It's essential make childbirth a safer, healthier and more rewarding experience for mother and baby, which also has a lot to do with this, although it is often the great forgotten. Not in the sense of monitoring his health, but of understanding his needs, widely linked to his mother.

A few days ago we watched a video in which a newborn cried every time they tried to separate him from his mother. The baby may not see much at birth, but feel, perceive and just went through a stressful process.

We know what the most welcoming environment would be for him at birth, and should be favored. The benefits of skin contact with mother-baby skin are also widely known, and should be encouraged. It is important that birth is not only a healthy process, but also as rewarding as possible.

Fortunately, step by step progress is being made in this direction and there are more and more medical professionals and hospitals that, aware of these facts, claim and put them into practice.

A personalized and respectful attention, a facilitation of privacy and comfort during the hospital stay and a more humanized birth is what we would like for more and more women, without distinction of hospitals or countries.

Video: A Day in the Life of Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns (July 2024).