Small babies in the first trimester of pregnancy, higher risk of cardiovascular diseases

It is curious how the development of the fetus during the first weeks of pregnancy can determine the future health of the baby. Recent research published in the British Medical Journal concludes that Small babies in the first trimester of pregnancy have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Fetal growth at the beginning of pregnancy, a critical period in which basic structures such as the heart and other organs are formed, is essential for cardiovascular health in adulthood.

To carry out the study, the measurements of 1,184 children, taken from the crown to the coccyx during the first trimester of pregnancy, were analyzed. At the age of six, cardiovascular risk factors such as body mass index, body fat distribution, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and insulin concentrations were analyzed.

They found that smaller fetuses during the first weeks of pregnancy had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease at six years. They had higher BMI and more fat mass stored around the abdomen, an increase in diastolic blood pressure and an adverse cholesterol profile.

While more studies are needed to identify the causes of these biological mechanisms and the long-term consequences, scientists stress that the onset of pregnancy It is a critical period for cardiovascular and metabolic function.

Therefore, it is important to prevent cardiovascular health since the woman finds out that she is pregnant, and even before conceiving, taking care of food and leaving aside bad habits such as tobacco and alcohol, both related to low weight of the fetus in the pregnancy.