Eight tips for healthy teeth in children

It is essential that we teach them from the beginning that having a mouth in condition is very important for their health. If they already adopt daily hygiene and care habits, we will get them to maintain them throughout their lives.

We remind you then eight tips to take into account, and you accompany them, for healthy teeth in children.

1) Brush your teeth when you get up, before going to bed and after eating. Sometimes they brush the night because they are very sleepy, but it is the most important, because the bacteria that lodge in the mouth act especially at night. It is essential that they go to bed with a clean mouth.

2) Avoid foods with excess sugar such as sweets, ice cream, candies, sugary sodas, packaged juices etc ... In addition to being associated with childhood obesity, the sugar present in these foods deteriorates the enamel, eroding it and favoring the appearance of tooth decay. Avoid or reduce your consumption on special occasions.

3) In the case of eating sweets between meals, brush your teeth immediately after to avoid the risk of tooth decay.

4) Regularly visit the dentist. The revisions should be every six months to control the position of the teeth, the fall of the pieces of milk and the eruption of the definitive ones. Also to check for cavities or apply sealants to minimize their appearance. After summer it is an ideal time to do it.

5) Help them with brushing. Many times we trust their good work and then we get unpleasant surprises. Only from 7 or 8 years old child is able to brush their teeth properly, cleaning all their faces, meanwhile we must help them to get where they do not reach, especially teeth and internal faces.

6) Use mouthwash with low doses of fluoride in older children, who already know how to spit. Toothpaste, the same, with fluoride but not abused, only for the elderly. For the little ones, better paste without fluoride, until they learn to spit it out, since an excess can cause a slight fluorosis, causing spots on the teeth to appear.

7) Drink water to prevent dry mouth: having a dry mouth increases saliva production, which causes the loss of its lubricating properties.

8) A healthy diet It is the ideal ally of a healthy mouth. Not only avoid sugary foods but consume foods that strengthen teeth, mainly dairy, vegetables and fruits.

I hope these Eight simple and easy to remember tips help your children have some healthy teeth. You must help them for the first few years, but then they will internalize it as a habit for a lifetime.

Video: How to Clean Your Baby's Teeth (July 2024).