They create in Germany a collective school book with Creative Commons license

He computer expert Hans Wedenig (left of the image) and the Biology professor Heiko Przyhodnik They have built a library of specific content for teachers and is already being used by students of a secondary school in Berlin (Germany). The challenge is to ensure that the contents of the books are accessible on the Internet and that they can be used and edited by teachers taking into account that everyone can use them freely.

The project has been funded by crowdfunding and numerous patrons support the Schulbuch-O-Mat. For now the project is small and they manage it between the two creators although they have already indicated that they need the help of more authors and it is convenient to take a look at their Facebook because apparently there are already Spanish teachers interested in collaborating with them. It seems that a teacher wants to translate and adapt the Biology text for your students in Spain So the two entrepreneurs have committed to collaborate, share and move forward with the proposal.

As a pilot project, a biology textbook with a Creative Commons license was published that allows you to work with texts, change, expand, etc.

The problem encountered by biology teacher Heiko does not differ much from what can happen to a Spanish teacher: pages of school texts that are not used, experiments that are performed in conditions that cannot be reproduced, need to search new content and boost student creativity.

Schulbuch-O-Mat it is an electronic school library (in German) of free and free access. Although the management is in Berlin the content and the database is accessible from any point so that anyone can intervene in the updating and deepening of the contents included in the books.

Among the comments that I have been able to read in the newspaper El Mundo, from where I started to look for project information, I loved one that indicated that in Spain these ways of working have been working for a long time thanks to the effort and dedication of professors who care, that they inform themselves, which encourage participation, etc. I attest to this because in Peques and Más we have introduced many of them and it seems to me that their work also deserves much recognition. In any case, in this experience I found the novel use of the Creative Commons license and the creation of the platform to manage the content.

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