A diet rich in fiber can be effective in fighting diabetes in pediatric patients.

In recent years it has been found that intestinal flora influences the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, and it is also a risk factor in the onset of cancer.

It is essential for life, because mammals that grow germ-free and do not acquire their microbiota - or intestinal flora - normal at birth, have abnormal body development which includes low-weight organs, atrophic intestinal wall and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Specialists of the Biomedical Research Institute in Network-Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) of the group directed from the Hospital Virgen de la Victoria in Malaga by Dr. Francisco J Tinahones, have discovered that pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes They have a different microbiota composition than healthy children of the same age and that some intestinal bacteria are related to the degree of glycemic control of patients.

Although previous studies had already linked the microbiota with the genesis of some autoimmune diseases, it is the first time that it is linked to type 1 diabetes and glycemic control, which opens the door to implementing strategies to control the development of disease by modifying the intestinal flora

On the other hand, the type of nutrients that make up a person's daily diet influences their intestinal flora. Yes it is high in fat can generate the so-called metabolic endotoxemia, a situation that can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, if it contains non-digestible functional elements such as fiber, it stimulates the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, which could be effective in fighting diabetes due to its satiating and weight-regulating effect.

Type 1 diabetes is a problem worldwide, mainly in children, and It is associated with the development of vascular complications. This disease is the result of a complex interaction between different degrees of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors.

Video: Can fiber prevent & control diabetes?- Ms. Sushma Jaiswal (May 2024).