Beautiful dishes decorated to make your kids: they can not resist

It all started with a desperate mother trying to make attractive dishes for her two-year-old daughter to eat better. Her name is Samantha and she has improved her technique so much that she has become a culinary artist.

Prepare today beautiful decorated dishes that you can also make to your kids. I am sure that they cannot resist.

In his blog Eatzy bitzy shares all the secrets step by step to create the story scenes That we can see on their plates.

The goal is to make attractive dishes so that children accept new flavors better, but we can also make them with them and add even more value. It is positive to put them in the kitchen to touch and experiment with food, and convey that food can also be played.

Here I leave you Some examples, one of them with a step by step and the rest, in addition to new ones, you can find them in Samantha's blog.

Video: 24 SWEET HACKS FOR KIDS (July 2024).