Last weeks of pregnancy in the middle of summer: some tips to cope with them

I fully understand the bellies that are going through the last weeks of pregnancy in midsummer because I've been through the same thing in my three pregnancies.

I have the ability to calculate the time to get pregnant to give birth towards the end of summer (one of my daughters was born in August and the other two in September), so I wait for the moment of delivery with the song of the chicharras. I will give you some advices to cope with the last section as best as possible.

Baby a lot of liquid

Two liters of water It is the recommended daily consumption for any adult, especially if you are pregnant and with high temperatures, between two and three liters would be ideal.

It is not necessary that you flood with water, it can make you feel bad, but drink frequently, even before feeling thirsty. Contrary to what you might think drinking plenty of water helps prevent fluid retention that causes edema and swelling in the legs and feet.

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Eat fresh (and healthy) foods

A good diet can help you cope with the heat. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which in addition to water, provide good nutrients and vitality.

Take advantage of seasonal foods such as: apricots, brevas, cherries, nectarines, peaches, meon, watermelon, plums, avocado, zucchini, squash, green leaves, cucumbers, carrots, among others.

Eat little, many times

This is a recommendation that we give during the whole pregnancy, but more especially during the last weeks, and especially if they happen in the middle of summer.

Digestions become heavier towards the end of pregnancy, so it is preferable eat less quantity but several times a day That few meals too copious.

In Babies and more, seven advantages of living the final stretch of your pregnancy in summer

Get some exercise

I know that with the belly you do not feel too much, but it will help you feel more energetic. Take the first hour in the morning or the last afternoon to take a walk, if it is for the best beach. Walking will come in handy in recent weeks to help the baby fit into the birth canal.

Yoga is also a recommended practice for the last stage of pregnancy, as long as you do not force postures. It is very beneficial to prepare the body for the time of delivery.

Cool all you can

Try to always be in cool places. If you can go to the pool or the beach, great, if not, air conditioning, cool showers and fan. Before going to bed, apply a refreshing gel for legs and feet. It improves circulation, reduces swelling and brings a feeling of freshness and relief. I kept it in the refrigerator to intensify the effect of cold.

Wear light clothes made of natural fabrics that do not adhere to the body. It carries the indispensable minimum. That is one of the advantages of being pregnant in summer: with a pareo or a loose dress is enough.

Collect your hair and use a soft cologne to cool off during the day. A splash of freshness and an aroma that inspires the senses. Choose a fragrance made with natural products without additives.

In Babies and more Heatwave and pregnancy: seven cool tips to survive the heat

Rest and pamper yourself

Rest well Everything that the heat allows you, sleep all you can, either on a sunbed under a tree or having a good nap under the fan.

At least a few minutes a day, dedicate them only to yourself, to do what you like best. Play music, dance, read, sing, meditate or just relax for a few minutes without thinking about anything.

Do not forget to be pampered, it is extremely important to cope with last weeks of pregnancy in midsummer (and at any time of the year).

In Babies and more During pregnancy, sunbathe with caution

Video: Pregnancy in Summer: How to Cope Up With Hot Weather (July 2024).