Does advertising influence our children?

We live in an advertising world, in which everything around us has been created by someone and he has put his label, his brand. We live surrounded by them, some are part of our memory and we do not remember any time in our life that is not related to any brand in one way or another. There are even objects that have lost their original name to adopt that of the brand that made them famous.

We have to accept it, the brands have landed in our lives and stayed. And all this they have done without us noticing. Have you noticed the number of times we use a brand name in any of our conversations? How many times have we used a brand slogan in another environment that has nothing to do with the brand?

But what about our children? Does advertising influence our children? Are your newly released little heads free from the influence of brands?


Flagship advertising and I think I should put them as the official currency of payment in the media. I do not know what to do more and not put the advertising minute as currency, for example. We put them at all times, even sometimes between announcement and announcement we can see a movie or a race of formula 1, but only sometimes, so that we do not protest too much.

When do we realize that we are in October? When we start watching toy ads at all hours on TV, in the mailbox, in the SPAM folder (the day they sell a TV with filter for advertising as they have email managers line up).

When do our children disappear? When does it look like they have been abducted? Well, when there is an ad on TV, at least mine. They put ads on TV and there are no children. And I know that they are not the only ones, that I know people who have recorded an entire CD with travel ads only!

Do you prefer one brand over the others?

And here we start with the sides, although at least they leave us alone for a few years until they begin to opt, as we do, for one brand or another. And so we find the sides of cocoa, various tails and soft drinks, etc.

How many times have your children protested because you have not brought the brand they like? Are they worth any pizza or burguer?

Why do ads work with them so well?

And I would add that with us too. With a duration below 2 minutes, are under the threshold of attention time that a child will devote to something.

They tell a simple and direct story. They are not complicated with the script and therefore are simple to understand and engage.

The important thing are the images and the associated slogan. If there is something that creeps are the images and anyone is able to keep in our memory a short phrase. If we combine the two things, short phrase or slogan with a striking image, we have the perfect memorization rule.

Even the little ones recognize a brand when they see it

Before even being able to build a phrase many children they are able to repeat the name of a brand and part of your ad.

My oldest son, with three and a half years, has been a season repeating one slogan after another! It seems that I have the TV on all day. Even at the supermarket, I can tell the benefits of this or another article. I'm going to get in touch with some brand so that at least the sales commission is taken.

Influence brands on us through the smallest

Well, taking into account that normally we are the ones who carry the money, but in the end we end up buying that or another specific object that they want, I think that little more needs to be said.

The use of "hooks" to attract the little ones ends up dragging their parents and with them the fat prize. (Yes, I definitely think they should give commission to our children.)

Should we control the advertising our children see?

It is assumed that there is some control over the advertising that is broadcast during children's hours, but still the bombing to which they are subjected should be controlled, not only by the relevant authorities, but by the first authorities involved in the education of our children, we .

Finally I leave a video that I think represents very well what I have told you. The little girl in the video can hardly speak but is able to distinguish and name any car brand.

Yes, inevitably advertising influences our children... and we are the parents first responsible for controlling it. And you, do you think advertising influences our children?

Video: How Advertising Affects Children - Jean Kilbourne, EdD (July 2024).