"Parents are the ones who must decide if the multiples are separated at school." Interview with Meritxell Palou

Today We interview Meritxell Palou, a mother fighter who has started a campaign of collection of signatures to ensure that the brothers are not separated twins or twins at school.

The question of necessarily separate twins and twins In school it is undoubtedly controversial. And at first glance, except in cases where the relationship of children requires it, it seems that it is not very successful and should be left, in my opinion, it was the parents who decided.

So much so that we ourselves, in Babies and more, we recommend using, to distinguish if a school is really respectful of children, the criterion of finding out whether or not the brothers are separated.

Meritxell Palou is in this situation and we are going to interview her to explain your campaign. They are going to separate their daughters next year, when they start school, and she disagrees. And he has decided to collect signatures, first at school, then in his village and now throughout Spain, to ensure that this does not happen, neither to his children nor to the children of anyone.

How was your initiative born?

It all started because at Ceip Can Salvi school in Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona), where my 6-year-old daughter Txell goes and where my twins, Ivet and Mireia, started this preschool this year.

They told me that there was a regulation that separated the twins / twins. That night it began to happen to me to collect signatures and, with the support of my family and friends, I told myself that I should do it. And that's how it all started.

I think parents are the ones who have to decide whether or not to separate our multiples at school or daycare.

What reasons do you think there are to separate siblings in school?

I think that each case would have to be analyzed, but today we are trying to promote individualism, the autonomy of your children a lot, almost since they leave your interior, all quickly and without letting nature take its course. For all these reasons, I think they think separation is good, to force independence.

And what reasons would there be for not separating them?

It is as if you are going to take the car in the morning and a policeman comes to you and tells you, the fine in case you commit an infraction before the night comes, you would say wait for the night to come and then you will see if you put me a fine or not.

I believe that if they have come to the world together for something it will be, Nature has wanted it that way and so we have to let it be.

There are many child psychologists, such as Coks Fenstra, a specialist in multiples, who know that there are studies that show that it is counterproductive to separate them and more if they are identical twins and knowing that multiples do not create their own self until six years.

From my experience as a mother of twins, my daughters alternate roles, because we can all be everything and they will decide for their own experience when it will be their solo path.

What reception has your initiative had at school?

From the parent association, AMPA, I have received your support and from the management, they told me that they would know something on the day of enrollment from June 11 to 14, although they see tomorrow and afternoon that I am going to look for and Take my 6 year old daughter.

Have the means of your request been echoed?

Well if you want something you can't be still on the couch, you must act. So I have been promoting it, going on radio RAC1, sending my request to websites such as "We are Multiple", "Sleep without crying", "Edukame", "Mammagreen" ... And many more.

Coks Fenstra is supporting me and she has also promoted it on Radio Vallecas, Onda Cero Valencia and dedicated an article in the magazine "Grow Happy".

Do you encourage other families to fight so that their children have the best possible emotional environment in schools?

Look, I would tell the parents: what do you worry about leaving your savings in good debt? Why wouldn't you like any stranger to choose your new car for you?

So why do you let strangers decide for your children?

I thank Meritxell Palou the interview he has given to Babies and more, I encourage you all to join your request on the signature collection page and also, to take it as an example of maternal empowerment. We, as he says, are the ones we must decide whether or not our children are separated at school.

In Babies and more | Do you think that telepathy between twins exists ?, For parents of twins, twins, triplets and more, Premiere of the documentary "In the womb: twins, triplets and quadruplets"

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