Curious way to make public that "you are pregnant"

A few days ago I saw this picture on Facebook and I wanted to put it here curious and funny (Although it can be interpreted in many ways and not everyone is funny).

The first sensation to see the image is a "what a bastard ...", because it is true, the only person who can suffer the evils of a pregnancy is the woman. We men do not feel any of that, our body does not change. However, I laughed, I found it funny, because it seemed to me one of those jokes with bad milk that bothers me at the moment (I imagine his wife pissed off after the publication of the photo) but then with time it is explained as funny anecdote.

Surely more than one seems a bit vulgar or in bad taste, but when I saw the girl vomit and he was so happy I remembered my friend Transi, who after getting a pregnancy after three abortions in two years had almost a party Every time I vomited. Who knows, like this boy, he feels the same, that every time his wife vomits, it is clear that the pregnancy continues.

Opinion if you want, Funny? Tasteless?

By the way, I don't know who is the guy who takes the picture, so if you read this and want us to quote you or want to tell us something about it, guest is going to do it.

Video: This is how you get people insanely curious! (July 2024).