The collection 'The animals of the farm' reaches the market for children to have fun and learn

Starting next Tuesday, January 15, the collection can be found in the kiosks 'The farm animals' which launches Agostini Planet market.

The children will find themselves before a small world that recreates life on the farm, and this is something that the little ones especially like (until they are between six and eight years old). It's about a Collectible books and educational figures related to the world of farm animals, and has an educational purpose, since in addition to playing with the figures, your children can learn a lot.

In each book of Farm Animals you will find a beautiful story in which farm animals are the protagonists. The figures, made of PVC, have a size that adapts to the hands of the little ones, are pleasant to the touch and very practical: they do not break and can be washed.

I think that the fascination that children feel for non-domestic animals is given by the distance from the natural environment that life in cities implies, and any initiative that serves to arouse curiosity and respect for animal life It is welcome.

You will find more information here (you can also download Fascicle 0 in case you want an advance), and from this link you can subscribe if you wish, if not ... there is always a periodic visit to the kiosk.