Recover the pelvic floor after delivery

After delivery we find changes that are reflected in our physical appearance, and others less visible to others, but that require our attention as much or more than the first.

Recover the pelvic floor It is one of the most important Postpartum Care, so today in our special we will talk about different ways with which we can achieve it.

Kegel exercises to rehabilitate the area

After the birth of the baby (especially if the birth has been natural), this system of muscles and ligaments that keeps in its position and controls the bladder, uterus and rectum You may have suffered a disorder that is reflected by urinary or fecal incontinence and pelvic pain, to a greater or lesser extent.

The kegel exercises (which many women are already starting to practice from pregnancy) help improve both muscle strength and elasticity and increase urethral closure, thus preventing or preventing the loss of urine and gradually strengthening and recovering the entire area of pelvis.

Some of these exercises, which we had already mentioned, can be done shortly after giving birth. Breathing is very important to make them correctly, as they show in the following video.

Once we control the breathing, we can perform the basic Kegel exercises at any time or place, although the most comfortable is sitting or lying down, contracting the pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds (from 3 to 10), resting and contracting again . It is also useful to identify the muscles that we should exercise, when we go to urinate take advantage to control the flow of urine, tightening and releasing the muscles.

Improvements begin to be noticed in four or six weeks, although Chinese balls or vaginal cones can also be used to continue advancing.

Yoga and Belly Dance two exercises that help

It is important not to start exercising until our body has not recovered, since abdominal efforts or other movements can cause or worsen incontinence problems, rather than repair them.

After the quarantine and gradually we can start in some practices such as Yoga wave Belly Dancing, with which in addition to recovering the figure, we also rehabilitate the pelvic floor, since they are largely based on deep breathing and hypopressive gymnastics, and with both are strengthened without damaging all the muscles in the area.

The best thing is that these activities can also be done without separating from our baby, both in specialized classes, and from home with the help of a video or book. They are also rewarding, entertaining and a good way to work the area almost without realizing it, relaxing and improving our mood.

Do you dare to try?

Video: Pelvic Floor Safe Core Exercises. Physio Safe Core Exercises Video (July 2024).