Why can not I get pregnant? What to do when pregnancy does not arrive

There are many couples who achieve pregnancy at first, but it is not the most common. Getting a pregnancy is not as easy as it seems, especially if we consider that in each relationship there is a 25 percent chance of conceiving.

From the moment a couple decides to have children, it is normal for several months to pass until they get it. But while that time comes, it is inevitable to ask Why can not I get pregnant?. We will talk about keys to achieve pregnancy, the reasons that can interfere and what to do when the pregnancy does not arrive.

Know how to recognize your fertile period

The main reason why women don't get pregnant is because not knowing how to recognize your fertile days. The conception is a magical moment in which multiple factors must coincide. The conditions must be adequate for ovulation to occur, the sperm fertilizes the mature ovum, it begins to develop, nests in the uterus and the pregnancy thrives.

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For this to occur, you must have relationships in the woman's fertile period, but it is impossible for pregnancy to occur. Therefore it is essential to know the fertile days to get pregnant, that is, to recognize the ovulation period.

Ovulation is the process of emission of the ovule after the formation of an ovarian follicle. It occurs in the central days of the menstrual cycle, which depending on each woman, has a normal duration of 23 to 35 days. If we take the first day of menstruation, in most women ovulation occurs between day 12 and day 16 of the women's cycle.

While the ovulation process lasts two or three days, It is also possible to get pregnant if you have sex the previous days. The sperm remains alive within the woman's body for 48 to 72 hours, so if you have had sex two or three days before ovulation occurs, the sperm may be waiting for the egg and fertilize it.

For you to have a better control of your cycle you can write down the days that your period has started and you have had relationships in this ovulation table.

You can also resort to natural methods as the synergistic method of fertility, which consists in taking the basal temperature of the woman to recognize the time of ovulation, or the Billings method through the observation of vaginal secretions.

If you do not want to be aware of taking your temperature or observing vaginal discharge, you can use an ovulation test that will detect in the urine the highest concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation.

How many times do you have to make love to get pregnant

One of the most frequent concerns of the couple you want to conceive is the frequency in sexual intercourse. It is said that you have to make love 104 times to conceive a baby, an average from when you decide to have it until you get pregnant. It is an average of 6 months with about four sex sessions per week.

Those are many times, so you have to practice. How often? It is a myth to believe that abstinence of more than seven days serves to accumulate sperm and thus increase the chances of pregnancy, but on the contrary, lower its quality. In fact, having sex on a daily basis improves semen quality.

Therefore, the ideal frequency to achieve pregnancy is maintain relationships every day or every other day. According to the World Health Organization, to raise the chances of having a child, the optimal withdrawal time is between 2 and 7 days.

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The age of the woman and her partner

The biological clock is another of the main causes for which the arrival of pregnancy can be delayed. As the woman's age progresses, the chances of conceiving decrease. Also in men, since semen quality deteriorates with age.

If a woman at age 20 has a 25% chance of getting pregnant by having sexual intercourse on her fertile days, at age 30 she has 15%, starting at age 35 is twice as difficult, the chances decrease 8% and after 38 years, the probability is 3%.

The woman's body has its rhythm. Women are born with an established amount of oocytes that decreases over the years. At puberty we have about 300,000 of which we lose approximately one thousand per cycle and by 50 years the ovaries stop working.

According to the SEF, 15% of women remain sterile between 30 and 34, 30% between 35 and 39, and 64% in the case of women between 40 and 44 years.

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Medical visit before seeking pregnancy

It is very important to make a pre-conception gynecological visit before getting to work. The doctor will evaluate the health of the woman and her partner, prescribe a folic acid supplement, assess family history, and will surely explore the woman and perform a blood test to rule out possible problems that may interfere with her fertility such as infections, diseases, problems in the uterus, endometriosis, etc.

He mother lifestyle It is also essential to achieve the conception and good development of pregnancy. Good general health is essential to achieve it, so bad habits such as alcohol, tobacco, obesity, and of course drugs, can interfere. Also, stress, tiredness and anxiety can alter a woman's periods and make pregnancy difficult.

Instead, maintaining good habits such as healthy eating, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, alcohol and avoiding stressful situations favor the mother's mental and physical state being the most conducive to conceiving. The emotional situation of the mother affects the moment of conception, as well as the formation of the embryo and during the rest of the pregnancy.

What if I still don't get pregnant?

Yes, despite following all the advice we have mentioned and having maintained relationships during your fertile periods For more than a year without success, it is time to consult a specialist.

There may not be any problem that prevents conception and is only a matter of continuing to try. There are healthy couples who just get it after two years, for example, and it is also absolutely normal. There's a 90% chance of getting pregnant in one year and 95% in two. But if you are anxious about the difficulty of becoming pregnant, or there is no time to lose, it is better to prevent and see a specialist.

If it were confirmed that there is fertility problems in the couple, you will have to put yourself in the hands of specialists in assisted reproduction. Today there are very advanced treatments, from medications to stimulate ovulation to in vitro reproduction.

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There are many hopes placed in assisted reproduction, thanks to which millions of couples worldwide have managed to fulfill their dream of being parents. There are even many who, having undergone treatments without success, have managed to be parents against all odds.

So, if you wonder why don't you get pregnant, follow the advice to the letter and we hope you receive the best news soon.

Video: Why Do I Ovulate and Not Get Pregnant? (July 2024).