The cost in diapers is 600 euros less with cloth

Predictably cloth diapers will see their sales increase from September. It is not that they are exempt from the VAT increase within a few days, but this increase will be much more noticeable in disposable diapers for the amount we must buy.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has estimated in a recent study that families spend 1071 euros on disposable diapers for each child, while the cost of those who buy cloth diapers is around 480 euros.

The difference in the amount of diapers is overwhelming and its impact on the environment is another argument in favor of reusable ones. A family will have to buy between 5000-6000 disposable diapers for about 20-30 cloth diapers that will last as long as the baby needs them.

Anyway, we have not been able to access the original study to see with which diapers the calculations have been made, since depending on the brand, characteristics, accessories ... both one and another item can vary greatly in price.

On the other hand, the OCU has warned that the use of cloth diaper can also increase water and energy expenditure, because cloth diapers wash very frequently. We have addressed this issue on previous occasions, reporting studies that called into question the greater ecological value of cloth diapers in this regard.

Whatever the conclusions, it is not bad to take into account some recommendations so that the washing of cloth diapers does not entail a high energy expenditure: wash the diapers cold and wait for enough laundry to start the washing machine.

Anyway, it seems that for now disposable diapers will continue to be leaders, and that is that the general perception of society is that cloth ones are not very comfortable. And the crisis only in some cases wins the comfort of "use and throw", even though diaper spending is 600 euros less with cloth.