We learn together the third month: blanket of fun activities

How the sense of time changes when the baby is already in our lives. The days become continuous new experiences for you and adventures for him. I love to cross out the passage of the months, the most exciting months that I have been able to live and which, each of them, suppose continuous feats of the little one you feel as the greatest of human feats.

We arrived at three months ... to play with the blanket of fun activities!

Second assault to move!

It seems a lie but in so little time in baby has moved from reflex acts to do so voluntarily. Her head has gone from being a fragile and uncontrolled body part, little by little being able to keep it straight, for a short time, in the second month. It will be time to turn your head and browse around like a tourist on your first visit to a magical city, we don't want to miss anything!

What joy and excitement in parents supposes to contemplate how the child can already move in the cradle by the third month, kick and direct the hands towards everything that catches his attention. Those visions of independence, as they would be after the crawling or the first words are moments so special that you would like to catch them in time in a pandora's box and be able to recover them in the future, when the baby is already a boy.

A fun park

At present, what you want is that your minutes, hours and days be of continuous development, learning and play and the blanket of fun activities It is perfect for such need. It is comfortable, although the baby does not crawl is large so that your fun is too. This habitat created especially for our little ones has many things to entertain themselves with; funny little animals, funny activities, music, sounds. The baby will be in her like a giant theme park but this will be made to measure and has no danger, being able to play sitting or lying face down on the blanket.

We will see you enjoy while your gross motor skills, manual control when acquiring control and strength in the hands and their visual ability when it comes to coordinating sight and hand they develop. That and facilitate new pleasant stimuli to discover, smell and touch, smile, (at first the baby only smiles if he is satisfied, the third month already does it when you see him smile) and make you gently tickle from the second month will be the most pleasant way and pleasant to discover that this world in which he has just landed is as comfortable as the uterus and much more entertaining and exciting.