A colecho hospital crib that allows you to be close to your baby at all times

When we have just given birth and are recovering in the hospital, they are key hours to start a beautiful bond with our baby. Keep it skin to skin as long as possible, keep it close to feel your smell, your heat ...

But many times, especially the first hours after a C-section, getting up to take the baby to his crib or to leave it, it is done uphill with the inconvenience we have. Although we have help from the couple, a nurse or a relative to whom to ask, the solution is not the most comfortable. That's why I thought it was a great invention. hospital crib designed to keep the baby close at all times which is called Halo and works as a kind of colecho cradle.

Even while in bed, mom can keep her baby close while she sleeps or for as long as she doesn't have him in her arms. One of the sides of the crib is foldable, to be able to access the baby more easily, to change her clothes or change her diaper.

"These new bassinests are great because they promote bonding," said Charmaine Smith, manager of the RVH and Obstetrics Birth Unit. “The height of people who sleep is adjustable so that moms can literally have it on their lap while they are in bed. Even when they are lying down, moms can have the baby right next to the bed. Transparent walls allow babies to be monitored so they can rest without losing eye and physical contact. ”

In Babies and more Colecho cot in a maternity house in the Netherlands

What features does it have?

  • It is rotatable 360 ​​°: Ideal to place it according to the needs of each space and each mother, especially for those who are recovering from a caesarean section or have physical disabilities.

  • It fits easily on both sides of the mother's bed and is height adjustable.

  • It allows the mother to take care of the baby and breastfeed at any time.

  • Designed for situations of unsupervised accommodation, that is when the mother is alone with the baby.

  • By always having it close, breastfeeding and baby care, especially at night, it becomes easier.

  • Baby can sleep comfortably in your space safely, but very close to mom.

  • It reduces the risk of accidental falls.

  • It has wheels in case the baby has to be transported to checkups, and with storage spaces to have diapers and toiletries needed for the baby.

The brand is from the United States and they have manufactured models of home crib cradles in case you want to take a look.

Video: Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper Review by Baby Gizmo (May 2024).