What would you do if you find that your son has shaved his head and that of his brothers? This is how a mother reacted to discover them

Childhood is an age when games, imagination and creativity are more alive than ever. For children, it is a stage of knowledge, discovery and exploration. But certainly, too It is a stage full of mischief and occurrences that can leave us with our mouths open.

And this was exactly what happened with a mother in Texas, who shared a video with her reaction to discover that after only a few minutes they were alone, his eldest son had shaved his head, and that of his two younger brothers. What would you have done?

Stephanie Plucknette is a full-time nurse and mother of three children: Teddy, five, five, Eloise, three, and Fred, two. One afternoon, while she was alone at home and bathed before going to work her night shift, the eldest of his children found a hair clipper machine, then shaved his head and that of his two younger brothers.

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The video was originally shared by Stephanie in the stories of her Instagram account, but it was on Twitter where she went viral, after her brother published it with her permission.

In it, we can see how Stephanie cannot hide her astonishment, surprise and worry when she finds her three children with her new haircuts, but Despite being crying, he does everything possible to laugh at the situation and keep calm in front of his children:

Y'all, my nephew found the electric shaver and went wild 😂😂😂😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/qdPbwYzs10

- Ian Hagadorn (@itsiannn) April 13, 2019

As Stephanie tells BuzzFeed News, her three children were playing in the backyard of her house, when Teddy found the hair clipper machine that she forgot to save hours before:

Earlier that day I had shaved the dog in the backyard, I hadn't finished with her and I forgot to put away the machine because I got distracted, then went to the market, I started cleaning the house and did other things, Stephanie says.

When you leave taking your shower and go to the kitchen, he found Teddy with the hair clipper in his hands, who at first was proud of his creations as a hairdresser, but seeing his mother's face, he understood that things were not right.

That's when Stephanie started recording the video to tell her family and friends what had happened, in which we see her laughing and crying at the same time, while trying to handle the situation in a relaxed way so that children are not scared, especially Eloise, who was now worried because she thought she looked "like a child."

In Babies and more When the mischief your son has just made makes you cry… laugh!

Stephanie says that Before recording the video, she phoned her husband, who was working, to tell him what happened while crying. He helped him calm down, telling him that it was just hair and that when he got home he would take care of the situation, finishing what Teddy had left incomplete.

Teddy's mischief with her younger siblings quickly went viral, not only because she was one that has left us with her mouth open, but because for many, Stephanie's reaction was the most successful, since he did not scold them strongly, but managed to remain calm by clarifying that that was not right, but at the same time he assured them that "it is only hair" and everything could be solved.

Some people applauded that she be understanding and have good communication with her children, after recognize the honesty of his eldest son, who accepted his responsibility when she asked him if it was he who had shaved his brothers.


- Ian Hagadorn (@itsiannn) April 14, 2019

Stephanie comments that when she saw that the video had gone viral she feared the possible messages she could receive, but apparently most people agree that it was an innocent mischief and that they probably wouldn't have reacted as calmly as she did.

After the viralization of Teddy's mischief, the family was interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel's program, who joked a little with the family, talked with Teddy and later, gave hats to the whole family and a trip to Disneyland.

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The pranks in which spontaneous haircuts are involved are not strange for many families, as it is actually something typical of children's age, and surely many will also have their own story to tell.

But although it is certainly an anecdote that the family will remember forever and the hair clippers are relatively safe, this news also serves as a reminder to do not leave any objects that may be dangerous or unfit for them near children.

Video: Mom Catches Son Shaving Siblings Heads (July 2024).