Ten reasons why it is recommended to take children in arms (I)

These days a lot of people ask me how are we doing with the new baby, Guim. My answer, like that of any father, I suppose, is a "well, here we go", which accompanied by "there are nights that if it is not in arms, almost does not sleep." People encourage me by telling me that it is a stage (I know, I have two more children) and sometimes even advising me (as if I did not have two more children) that I do not get used to the arms, that then we will be made dust.

But we no longer live in the 60s or 70s, when it was said that crying was good and that it helped widen the lungs. We no longer live at that time, when nothing happened if a child cried. We now live in the 21st century and, among many other things, it has been discovered that hugging babies, taking them and having them with us is beneficial in many aspects. So that you know them and appreciate the attention paid to children, we give you Ten reasons why it is recommended to take children in their arms.

Before going into the matter, tell you that, although I am going to list the reasons, to say that the arms of a father or a mother is something beneficial is something that already falls by its own weight. When babies are born it is recommended to put them on the mother's chest, so that they do not separate and do not lose contact with her. When they grow a little it is recommended that we massage them, because children who are more touched and caressed are happier, get sick less and gain more weight. When they cry, fall or hurt themselves they ask for a hug, because it provides them with security and sustenance. When we are adults and suffer, we need a shoulder to cry on.

The strange thing, the extremely rare thing, is that, after this, that almost everyone knows, there are still theories that defend the separation, penalize the arms and recommend us to touch our children less. That said, let's see what the ten reasons why it is recommended to take our children in our arms

1. It gives them security and tranquility

Take babies or children in your arms it calms them, gives them security and tranquility and allows them to develop their personality in An affable and trustworthy climate. Children who are not caught, those who suffer, those who feel alone tend to grow up spending too much energy and time to ensure their safety. They try to avoid dangers by always being alert and seek solutions to their loneliness by attracting the attention of their parents, usually making them angry (if they ignore them for good, they will have to get their attention for the bad).

When a child does not have to be aware of feeling protected or feeling safe, when he does not feel threatened, all his attention and energy can be devoted to more fruitful things like playing, listening, seeing and watching, imitating, learning, etc.

2. The arms postpone the disadvantages of reaching the world early

If you have ever seen a network program dedicated to children, you will have heard Eduard Punset explain that babies are now born prematurely. Even when they are born nine months, they do it ahead of time, before being prepared for this life. The reason for this is the evolution of the body of the woman who, as she walked from walking with four legs to the standing position, saw her hip narrow. When the hips narrowed, the babies had to be born before, with the smallest head, in order to pass through the birth canal.

That is why the first months are quite hard for them and for the parents. They are bothered by many things, they are easily overwhelmed and then they cry at night, they find it difficult to poop at some moments and cry for not being able to do it, despite being liquid, they stress when they are alone and are not able to calm down, among other things .

For all these reasons, it is recommended that after bringing the child on (inside) for nine months, keep the child on, but out, so that the first months pass them in the best way possible noticing the same smells and hearing the same noises as when it was brewing (the beating of a heart, for example, like the one I heard inside the belly).

3. The arms serve to calm the crying

They do not always calm him, but many times, because they are many times that crying they are asking us for contact, affection and security. In the past, when a child cried, it was said that parents should feed him, change his diaper, see that he was not cold or hot, or try to sleep him in case he cried sleepily. Now to all this is added the need for affection.

There are parents who talk about "teasing" and similar nonsense (there are health professionals who define it in the same way). To ask for affection is not to tease, asking for affection is as lawful as asking for a hug or a kiss, something that adults do and that children also do, with more reason than us, in fact, because they, being alone, do not know calm down.

4. The more arms, the less colic

A study //pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/77/5/641.abstract dating from 1986 (over 25 years ago, hey), already revealed that Babies who spent more time in their arms cried less in the afternoon. The so-called infant colic, which now receives the name of uncontrollable crying of the baby, are those hours, usually in the afternoon, when babies cry inconsolably without knowing the cause too well (that's why they are no longer said to be colic) and without knowing too well how to calm them down.

Well, it has been seen that the more time they spend in their arms during the day, the quieter they are and the less they are overwhelmed and stressed less cry in the afternoon. Then, at three months, all more or less cry the same (those who are very caught in the arms and those who are caught a little less), but the first three months have passed calmer and their brains have been developing in a more pleasant weather (and parents have also lived better, that there is nothing more stressful than hearing your child cry without knowing how to help him).

5. More arms, less air

Another reason to take children over and abuse their arms is that being upright make digestion better and they burp better than when they are lying down. Sometimes they burp in the first minute after eating (almost all parents, even those who believe they should not take their children in their arms, have a little time to take their babies to burp), but sometimes they throw it after a little while, and being upright they do better. Nor is it that nothing happens if they do not burp, but if they do, they have less air (which sometimes bothers them).

If we also take into account that when children cry they swallow air and that if we take them less they cry more, we find that, as I say, more arms, less tears, Y less crying, less air.

We'll continue tomorrow

After five of the reasons and to prevent the entrance from being too long tomorrow I explain the following five reasons why it is advisable to take children in arms: Ten reasons why it is recommended to take children in arms (II).

Video: 10 Early Signs of Autism UPDATED (July 2024).