Undeclared milk protein has been detected on the label of a chocolate made in Belgium

Recently the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition was aware of a notification made by the Sanitary Authorities of the United Kingdom, regarding the existence in the market of a product in which the presence of undeclared milk protein In the labeling.

It is a dark chocolate made in Belgium and distributed in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Iceland and North Korea. In our country it has been distributed in Catalonia, and you have more information on the website of the Spanish Association of Food and Latex Allergy, as well as in the AESAN (in both cases in the Alerts sections). The competent authorities have already been notified of this fact through the National Food Alert Network (SCIRI), and timely investigations are under way. Despite the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, it has recommended to consumers allergic to dairy proteins that could have the product in their homes, that refrain from consuming it in order to avoid health risks. You have more information about the characteristics of this chocolate on the AEPNAA website, and on the AESAN.

The consumption of these products does not entail any risk for the rest of consumers, but for allergy sufferers it is very important to have all this updated information, since the usual practice of carefully reviewing the labels is not enough when an alert of this type occurs.

Video: Protein bar recall expanded due to undeclared peanut allergen (July 2024).