British doctors, against junk food

Do we pay more attention to doctors or to what TV announces? I do not know to what extent the advice of a health professional can change people's habits, but they are certainly a reference and their opinion is important. Therefore the fact that doctors position themselves publicly against junk food It may be another step in achieving a healthier population.

Surgeons, psychiatrists, pediatricians and doctors of all the specialties of the United Kingdom have launched a campaign against obesity, which affects more and more children around the world, and have focused their criticisms on the brands of the so-called "junk food" or "junk food".

The Academy of Medical Associations of the United Kingdom (AoMRC), which represents 200,000 physicians in the country, has called for banning brands such as McDonald's and Coca-Cola to sponsor sporting events such as the Olympic Games and for celebrities to advertise insane food for children .

The body that represents all doctors in the country considers it necessary to fight against obesity impose forceful measures to put an end to the irresponsible publicity of the big food companies, a topic we have talked about often in the blog.

And it is that campaigns against the advertising of junk food multiply in the world (as this video shows us recently), and that is that junk food advertising dominates children's websites and is frequent on television and other media.

The latest studies reveal how today's children will be obese adults: 48% of men and 43% of women in the UK will be obese in 2030. A trend that will lead to a considerable increase in heart attacks, heart disease and cancer, and therefore a greater expense for public health.

Measures to control junk food

Doctors have criticized the erroneous policies of the British Government, which does not set mandatory standards but rather leave responsibility in the industry to voluntarily lower calories, portion sizes and advise consumers on how to eat healthy, something that seems to be not doing business.

That is why they ask that large food companies be forced to take radical measures designed to save lives instead of protecting their benefits. These are some of the proposals, to which new ones will be added after the study of the situation in the country:

  • It is claimed that an area around schools be established where the promotion of junk food is not allowed. This type of food had already been banned in school canteens, but the ban is to be extended.

  • The prohibition that celebrities and animation characters can advertise insane food and drink for children.

  • Food product manufacturers should be required to clearly publish data on calories, sugar, salt and fat.

  • The Government is also proposed to impose the so-called "fat tax" that has been applied in some Scandinavian countries, which penalizes those who consume products considered insane.

I hope it's British doctors rally against junk food make competent authorities monitor more the publicity and marketing of such unhealthy foods and make more families aware that there is a better way to eat. Everything would contribute to curbing childhood obesity.

Video: UK Doctors Suggest Bans on Fast Food (June 2024).