Essential furniture and accessories in the baby's room

Inside of the special baby room decoration, we started with the furniture, so far we have focused on the general ambience of the bedroom, walls, floors, colors, lighting ... but now we are going to talk about the furniture we can and should buy and the options we have for us to choose the ones that best fit our room.

Among the essential furniture in a baby's room, it is obviously the cradle first and then the changing table and storage furniture, for which there are the most diverse options, which we will now analyze in detail. We must buy the furniture that best suits the available space and our needs, neither less, nor more, that sometimes we get excited and end up buying things that do not serve us at all.


The cradle it is without a doubt the main protagonist of the children's bedroom, is the only piece of furniture that we could say is absolutely essential, because it is where the child goes to sleep. Although the use of cribs that we could call second-hand, provided by a friend or relative, is relatively frequent, I recognize that I am in favor of buying it new for the baby, just for a matter of illusion and for choosing it to my liking and also today in day there are cribs of all prices and some very affordable.

In terms of materials the most common options in cribs for the baby's room are metal and wood, I mainly like wooden cribs and painted in white, but obviously that is already a personal matter, the same thing happens with the style there are more classic proposals, others more modern, each one must choose the one that best match their own taste. An interesting option is that of evolutionary or convertible cribs that the child can take advantage of with another function when he is older, we will talk about them long and hard in the next installment of our baby room decoration special.


After the cradle the other basic element in a baby bedroom is the changing table, many times we doubt whether to buy it or not, it is true that in the past there were no changers and babies were changed by placing a towel on the bed, but because of its height it is necessary to recognize that the changer is more comfortable. In addition, the changer usually provides an extra storage space for the baby's things that are not bad for us and in the long run it can be used as a dresser, if it is not a convertible changer, which already has another function in itself.

It is very common that the changing table has a small bathtub, As we can see in the photos, the bathtub may be below the surface of the changing table and it may be raised or the bathtub may be removed with its structure facing out. Everyone must choose what best suits the space they have in their room and what will be most comfortable, it is true that sometimes the bathtub in the bedroom is not used, for comfort the baby is bathed in the bedroom bathroom and what really matters is just the changing table.

For smaller bedrooms there are for example the wall changers, such as the one we see in the photo on these lines, which do not occupy surface space, which fold over themselves and which are the most discreet. Obviously they have less storage space, but they do need to store the things we use to change the baby, so they are perfectly functional.

Storage cabinets and dressers

If the bedroom does not have a built-in closet, we will need a closet and even if you have it, it is likely that some type of dresser, such as auxiliary storage furniture, will not hurt us. There are special baby cabinets, with shelves and hangers designed for their size, I personally do not recommend them, the baby will grow soon and the closet will no longer serve us, it is better to buy an adult size closet at the beginning that fits the small clothes and also the big one will fit in the future.

In addition to the closet, whether built-in or not, it may not hurt to have a bookcase or a chest of drawers, there the choice is very conditioned by the space we have in the room, if the room is very large, we can place a chest of drawers or a chest of drawers the size we wantIf the room is small, we will have to comply with what we already have and at most add a wall shelf in which we can place some boxes to store small things.

Highchair and accessories

Finally is the high chair that will not be in the bedroom but in the kitchen or in the dining room normally, but that is another of the furniture or accessories that we always buy for the baby and that the child will use for a long time to eat. There are many other seats for children, hammocks, swings ... and also accessories to adapt to the size of the baby and the child while all the pieces of the bathroom are small, but these are accessories of smaller size, which either will give us away or we will buy little by little depending on the needs of each stage.

Finally the cot and towels, that is textile accessories They are important and bring style and color to the room. The ornaments that we are going to place complete the set, I am not in favor of recharging the room much, especially considering that when the child is born they will give us many things and that the child will not pay attention to the decoration at the beginning, it will be Better to go slowly with the details and leave them for later.

In summary, we start with the cradle, we choose a changer model that suits us and then we organize the storage, with accessories, ornaments and others, it is convenient to go slowly. Just add a piece that is not for the baby, but for the mother or father, which seems very important to me and is a comfortable seat next to the crib, but there is no reason to buy it for the room, it can be any seat in the house that we move there for a while.

Photos | Foppapedretti
In Babies and More | Special baby room decoration
In Decoesfera | Children's bedrooms