The Hospital de León applies a new protocol to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections

The number of caesarean sections in Spain has increased markedly in recent years. One in three babies is born in this way, almost doubling the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization).

Given the picture, the Hospital de León has decided to apply a new protocol to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections. It has been incorporated into a national project for the standardization of caesarean section indications, and from now on, less interventionist practices will be put in place to guarantee safer deliveries for the mother and the baby.

The words of the Chief of Obstetrics of the Hospital of León, Celso García, who comments:

So far it has been very flexible or very permissive. Until 2010, if the woman had had a previous C-section, she was allowed to choose if she wanted another C-section. That is not done now. โ€

In the audit carried out at the Hospital de León, it has been proven that the greatest number of caesarean sections occurs after the non-progression of labor, the failure of induction, the risk of loss of fetal well-being and podcasting.

To reverse this situation, the caesarean sections that are scheduled will be for strict medical necessity. In addition, it will increase the control of pregnancy in the last days of pregnancy to adjust the inductions of births, so that they are not failed.

For its part, When the baby is breech, vaginal delivery will be attempted. The practice of the external version will be implemented to try to turn the baby that comes from the buttocks.

The gynecologist explains that births in podic presentation ceased to be performed vaginally after the conclusions of a 2000 Hannah study on fetal complications in this type of birth,

"That study did a lot of damage to obstetrics, but now it is known that it was poorly designed and that its conclusions were not correct, you have to start vaginally giving birth in podiatry."

As we see, it seems that things are about to change in the University Hospital of Leónas well as in the Bierzo Hospital, where they will also launch the same protocol to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections. Without doubt, good news.