The Ministry of Health concludes that homeopathy is a placebo

Four years ago, Minister Leire Pajin decided that it would be beneficial for the population to regulate alternative therapies and for this she requested a report from a group of experts on the various existing therapies (they have analyzed no less than 139 therapies), to know what is the scientific evidence of each of them and act accordingly.

Now the results of that report arrive and I, who continue trying to show that homeopathy is one of the greatest deceptions of the century, I echo only the part that speaks of homeopathy because the conclusions are clear: the effects of homeopathy do not go beyond the placebo effect.

The group that has prepared the report has analyzed nine rigorous scientific studies (and not poorly done or manipulated studies so that the results are those that are intended to be demonstrated). These nine studies were focused on showing the effect of homeopathy on conditions or diseases such as influenza, cancer and the effects of chemotherapy, osteoarthritis, asthma, as a method of inducing births, for infant colic and depression.

According to the authors of the report, the results of the studies are "very contradictory" and everything indicates that the effect of these drugs responds to the "placebo effect". They point out that, despite this, they are drugs considered safe, whose severe side effects are very unlikely, having reported few complications associated with their use, this being something that sounds more like a joke than something else.

I joke, because when you take a diluted active substance until there is no active substance left and what you drink is water, which is supposed to have acquired the properties of the principle with which it has been in contact, it is clear that the side effect of what you take is null, just as the primary effect derived from the "medication" is also null.

The effect that occurs, if the patient believes that it will have some effect, is the segregation of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that appears in reward behaviors and the activation of the nucleus accumbens of the brain, in a situation that could match the one that happens in our brain when we receive a congratulation or an award.

This is what is called the placebo effect. It is better than not taking anything, but it is worse than taking something that has any effect, because the improvement comes from the suggestion and not from the true effect of what you take (and is the same as taking a sugar, a candy or a ball of aniseed, if you think they will cure you in some way, but much more expensive).

Now there is only the doubt of knowing what will happen from now on. Power balance, the company that sold bracelets with a hologram made you feel better and have more strength and more elasticity is on the verge of bankruptcy for having to face millionaire payments for the demands received, simply because people realized that the bracelets did not They did nothing.

Homeopathy, which goes further than Power balance, because it is intended for sick people and therefore sure has done much more damage than bracelets, it should disappear or start to be regulated, and when I say regulate I do not say accept with titles and allow its practice in a legal way, but to make any remedy that wants to be sold in a pharmacy have to go through the same requirements and controls as a normal medicine, to demonstrate its effectiveness (unprovable).

I repeat: the Ministry of Health, which has just declared that homeopathy is a placebo, should act accordingly and regulate drugs, as well as prevent a therapy that does nothing.

This is what you should do, the problem is that you will end up doing the same thing that homeopathy does: ANY.

Video: World AIDS Day at the White House (July 2024).