This Christmas we will spend less on toys

One of the positive effects of the crisis we are going through is that this Christmas we will spend less on toys. We must see the positive part of everything, and I certainly believe that being more moderate in the purchase of children's gifts is reasonable, whether there is a crisis or not.

According to a report prepared by Eroski Consumer in nine autonomous communities, 70 euros will be spent on average per child. The bad economic situation makes a dent in consumers and one in four ensures that their budget will decrease an average of 79 euros compared to last year. Figure, last year, almost 150 euros in toys per child, which really seems disproportionate.

The important thing is not in the euros spent on toys. It is preferable to choose few quality toys than many of poor quality.

When choosing toys, educational toys are chosen three times out of four, although what is most taken into account when opting for one or the other is what the children ask for in their letters.

Among the most chosen, they are followed by crafts, video games, sports toys, and dolls and stuffed animals.

Returning to the habits of families in the consumption of toys, 80 percent of respondents have said that this Christmas will pay no less than 205 euros in the purchase of toys for children. Taking into account that in addition to the children it is also purchased for nephews, grandchildren, children of friends, etc., the average has been calculated in 70 euros per child.

If we look back, three years ago the figure was 187 euros on average per child, and although it has decreased compared to last year it seems to me quite reasonable and even more than would be desirable.

The crisis has forced change habits in the purchase of gifts. Than this Christmas let's spend less on toys I see it as something positive. In short, it benefits the children to whom we teach that the essence of Christmas does not go through the amount of gifts or the money they cost.

Video: UK shoppers spend less on toys this Christmas. Money Talks (July 2024).