Michelle Duggar loses what was to be her twentieth son

A little over a month ago we announced that one of the most famous families in the US, which is for starring in a reality show entitled "19 Kids and Counting" ("19 children and adding") and for being the largest in the country, he was going to have his twentieth son in April next year.

After several problems in the last pregnancy with her daughter Josie, where both saw their lives in danger, the family spoke of this new pregnancy as a miracle that surely came to alleviate the suffering of the previous one.

However, a few days ago, in a control ultrasound of the second semester in which the family would know the sex of their twentieth child the gynecologist realized that the baby's heart was not beating, giving the family the worst news they can give you on an ultrasound.

As Michelle Duggar explains it was a very sad time for everyone because "The night before we had been talking about possible names for babies boy or girl and they were very excited". The family has decided to choose the baby's name when they know their sex to do the funeral by calling the baby by name.

In the same way that the joy for a new pregnancy was once grateful to God what happened now is also attributed to his power, since Mrs. Duggar added that "God is the giver of life and he can determine who is ready to be with Him", something that I personally do not understand too much (how can God want to take a baby in formation), but that certainly serves to calm the sufferings of believers (God wants it that way ...).

This It is the second abortion suffered by the couple. After having their first child, the second pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion and the couple thought the cause was that they had been taking contraceptives. At that time they decided not to take them anymore and leave the decision of how many children to have to God.

I will not be very attentive to the case, but I would like to know what people say about it in the US, since lately we have talked about people's comments about a miscarriage, because this woman cannot be told that "you are young" or "you will have more", they may simply tell you that "this happens many times", "you already have to know, that you suffered one" or "total, why you wanted more children if you are nineteen" .

Video: 19 Kids and Counting S09E09 A Duggar Loss Part 14 (May 2024).