Children and emotions in the Punset Optimism Manifesto

Eduard Punset publishes a new book, "Journey to optimism," which, with the times that are going to be hard to find something other than pessimism and uncertainty about the future, and the author's popularity, is sure to become a new success. And as another way of promoting the work Eduard Punset has left us his "Manifesto of optimism", a decalogue to be optimistic in which children and emotions have a place, how could it be otherwise.

In the Manifesto he talks about current issues as important as the crisis, as technological as social networks, as metaphysicians like intuition, he speaks of medicine, of science, of uncertainty, of happiness ... in short, of concepts quite detailed already by this author on previous occasions.

But, although below you can read the Punset Optimism Manifesto In full, we want to stop at those points closest to our theme, those related to emotions, education and children.

The Punset Optimism Manifesto

  • It is not true that there is a planetary economic crisis, what exists is a specific crisis in specific countries.

  • Life expectancy increases 2.5 years every decade. For the first time we learn that there is life before death and that any past time was worse.

Education and medicine move towards personalization, and force us to generate a new social model. Prevention will be more important than cure.
A great discovery: social and emotional learning. For the first time in the history of evolution we began to know and manage emotions. And we know that learning is as important as unlearning.
  • Social networks are what makes us different from other animals. The origin of the current interconnection is in the Silk and Incense routes. Thanks to the digital revolution, communication can now be instantaneous and universal.

  • After the advances of the sciences of the mind, today we know the importance of the unconscious in relation to rational thinking. For the first time we found that we can rely on intuition.

  • We had never known so much about the nature of happiness. That is the essential thing: happiness is in the waiting room for happiness.

  • Another of our secular headaches: beauty. We know that beauty is the absence of pain, that is, that which reflects a face with a level of asymmetric fluctuations lower than normal.

Evolutionarily, in times of crisis, the pack turns to young people to exercise their leadership. It is then the time of the young people. They cannot disappoint.
  • A few years ago we were convinced that the vision of the universe corresponded to reality. Then we discovered that this vision depended on the frame and the emotions. Now we know that it is the result of a mathematical model: uncertainty envelops our universe.

Personalized education

Punset has spoken on multiple occasions of education, of its deficiencies, of its possibilities. In the blog we have commented on the documentary The educational system is anachronistic and The educational revolution, of which I criticized that it offered a partial vision of the problem or rather of the possible solutions.

In this documentary, schools and teachers involved in personalized, current, emotional, and global education were seen. But there was no talk of families or the rest of society as "accomplices" of the lack of emotional education, the absence of links or fundamental values ​​such as respect, coexistence ...

In any case, with all the difficulties that the current educational system entails, and although it hurts to say, because of the lack of investments in this area (and / or the crisis) resulting from the lack of awareness of its importance (of the Administration and the whole society), we must effectively seek an increasingly personalized education.

And at this point he also quotes Punset medicine prevention, and we talk about it continuously on the blog: how to prevent future health problems in our children, pregnant women and ultimately in the whole family.

Social and emotional learning

Punset already told us in his five tips to make a baby a capable and happy adult: the decrease in violence and altruism are linked to emotional learning. And for this it is essential to teach the child to manage his emotions while giving importance to his own feelings and to appreciating those of others.

Improving children's self-esteem, rewarding them, not letting them cry ... are some of the keys to strengthening children's emotional education, and not forgetting that the first six years are vital to children's emotional development.

Even when they are babies, stress can affect the development of their brain, they are not able to manage it as we have learned to do adults, and situations of abandonment or dissatisfaction can leave their mark. You have to take care of these points and be aware that they are little people with needs that we must provide.

Punset goes further and has explained to us how emotional education is possible from the mother's womb, discovering the close relationship between emotions and life in the mother's womb.

Precisely "Journey to the emotions" is the title of an earlier work of Punset where everything related to the subject shreds, and evidently the importance that it gives it makes it appear again in this Manifesto.

Emotional insensitivity, lack of empathy, affectivity or the absence of values, which are manifested in many adults and children, are enemies of positive evolution and peaceful coexistence, and thus we reach the next point of the Manifesto.

The young are the future

The children and young people of today, our children, are the future. They can change it, improve it, and we must rely on them for such a task. But the changes will not arrive if the importance due to the previous points is not granted, so there is still a long way to go. Families, schools, politicians and the whole society are necessary to advance in this regard.

However, also as Punset, and even with all the difficulties and barriers mentioned, I think there are reasons for optimism, even when vital issues such as education or work and family conciliation hardly take place in the programs or in the political debates that So topical they are.

The fact that more and more people are aware of their importance, of children, of emotions, of education, also (or above all) thanks to opinions and texts such as the Punset Optimism Manifesto, it gives rise to hope.

Official Site | Eduard Punset Photos | Nora Mah Flickr-CC On Babies and more | "The educational revolution" is everyone's business, Mr. Punset, "Educate to make citizens", a documentary by Eduardo Punset, The first six years are vital for emotional development, according to Punset, The Baby's Brain, by Eduard Punset

Video: La Extraordinaria Genialidad De Einstein. The Extraordinary Genius Of Einstein. (July 2024).