They took custody of a 50-year-old mother considered fit to undergo insemination

The facts of this news happened more than two years ago, however it is now when it comes to light, probably to give voice to a mother who struggles day after day so that return the son who was removed 7 days after giving birth.

In October 2008, a woman who wanted to be a mother went to the Teknon medical center in Barcelona. In order to achieve this, he needed to start an ovum reception treatment, something that is legally granted after having passed physical and psychological exams.

The physical exam was favorable and the psychological determined that "The patient's personality does not show characteristics of the disorder (...) and no cause is appreciated that discourages the reception of eggs". After three cycles of egg reception, which caused this woman to spend 24,000 euros, she managed to get pregnant with 50 years. Seven days after giving birth social services took away the custody of the child.

Apparently, the staff of the Teknon clinic warned of “A behavior of the mother that forced to activate the protocols of action established by the Directorate General of Children and Children (DGAIA)”, according to the sources of the center. The social services considered that women "Endangered" the integrity of the baby and they took custody.

The mother reported what happened to try to regain custody of the baby. After acknowledging that he had the "Postpartum symptoms", explains that she does not understand how they might declare her fit to be a mother and then they would take away custody because they considered it was not in their right mind and could not foresee the risks of the child.

The protocol that the Teknon professionals activated was the one that is still in force today and that curiously was published only 4 days before this woman gave birth. This protocol, whose name is "Protocol d'estudi i tractament de l'esterilitat", includes the guidelines to be followed by all medical centers in fertility treatments.

This document specifies that women presenting are excluded from insemination "Mental health problems that cause behavioral disorders that may negatively affect the baby's development". In addition, all women who are 40 or older are excluded from treatment.

I don't know what happened. We do not know what led Teknon professionals to activate this protocol, but if it had been in operation for 4 days, these professionals were especially sensitive to anything they saw minimally rare. If recently they had explained and notified new guidelines ("from now on women will be at most 40 years old", "if you see something that can affect the development of the baby, you have to warn", ...), it is more likely that professionals They will walk with a thousand eyes.

I do not want to say that this is negative, because we are all responsible for the well-being of all children and because after activating a protocol there is still a next step, which is the evaluation of social services, but now We have a mother in court fighting for her son and a child "without a mother" who will turn two this Christmas.

Whenever I read news like this, I think that the money spent to take care of the child could be spent working with the mother. Not long ago we talked about parents who have little or no sensitivity to the crying or discomfort of their children. Faced with this situation, instead of withdrawing custodians, because mothers are not able to connect emotionally with their children, programs are being created so that these mothers live with others who do recognize their children's emotions and do act in the face of their crying and discomfort.

Thanks to these programs, mothers who could jeopardize the integrity of babies by omission of care are closer to their babies and take care of them more and better. Honestly, I think the state has much to improve if the solution to a baby's problems is to leave him without a mother with 7 days of life.

Video: NLE Choppa - Camelot Dir. by @ColeBennett (July 2024).