Walking during pregnancy, all benefits

Exercising during pregnancy is very beneficial for the health of the mother and the fetus, provided there is no contraindication or risk. One of the simplest options is walking during pregnancy, which brings many benefits about what we have talked to you on occasion.

In addition to being an excellent way to relax tensions, whether we are working or not, when walking, most muscles are toned and blood circulation is improved. This is fundamental in a stage in which precisely the circulation suffers so much. In this way we prevent edema and its consequences, such as swelling of legs and feet, constipation, hemorrhoids ...

Walk during pregnancy helps control weight gain without forcing the organism, because it is an aerobic exercise but of low impact.

By relieving pressure on the pelvic area, the discomfort of sciatica will also be reduced, which affects many women especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

In the final stretch of pregnancy, it facilitates labor due to pelvic swaying that occurs during the walk, when the cervical eradication occurs in the first phase of labor, early or latent dilation.

By strengthening the muscles of the legs will allow arrive strongly at the time of giving birth and avoid cramps at that time when we should worry less is that inconvenient inconvenience.

Walking during pregnancy, like any other exercise, favors postpartum recovery by providing strength, tone and improving overall fitness. It will take us less to get back on track, even for basic issues (getting up without help ...). Although the return to exercise in the postpartum period must be gradual.

As we said at the beginning, walking outdoors full of vitality to pregnant women, improves the oxygenation of their body and that of the baby, and prevents negative emotional states like depression, leaving worries aside and clearing the mind.

Tips for walking during pregnancy

Some tips for walking during pregnancy Safely and benefit from all its advantages, they are:

  • Walking at a brisk pace but without forcing the rhythm, activating the cardiorespiratory system, for as long as we find comfortable.

  • If we are not used to exercise, it is best to start slowly, about 30 minutes and gradually climb up to an hour in the next two weeks.

  • Sometimes it is difficult to exercise every day a week, but we will try to go for a walk the maximum number of days possible. You can even do two soft sessions in one day.

  • When temperatures are extreme, you have to take care of your clothes, loose, breathable and also protect yourself from the sun. In summer it is preferable to go for a walk first thing in the morning, and in winter during noon or first thing in the afternoon.

  • Footwear must be comfortable, without heels, wide.

  • We can carry a bottle of water to avoid dehydration.

  • To reduce the risk of trips and falls, it is convenient to walk on flat and unobstructed terrain.

Of course, the benefits of walking during pregnancy they occur whenever our body does not suffer. If we feel fatigue, tachycardia or if contractions appear, we should suspend the activity and consult the gynecologist as soon as possible.

Video: 7 Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy (July 2024).