Dads and Moms Blogs (LXXXV)

Well this week, our Tuesday review by dad and mom blogss, it is intended for all these people who are spreading the discomfort that the SEGO cartoons have produced and are promoting a campaign to get them to retire, apologize and, at once, change the model of childbirth care in Spain Definitively.

I open with him Sarai Llamas's blog , which reminds us that the SEGO makes humor with mockery of women who suffer prolapses, caesarean sections or who prefer non-intervened labor. And, as she also knows how to make humor, she dedicates the design with which she illustrated this article, in which Dr. Gines Saurio appears. Of much better taste than those of the SEGO, and, unfortunately, real.

Jesusa Ricoy, a Spanish doula residing in the United Kingdom, has become the mobilizer of all those fathers and mothers, and, invites us to participate in the campaign "A rose to end obstetric violence", in which we can read the testimonies of some women who felt outdated or underwent practices that were not adequate in their deliveries.

Nohemí complains about the cartoons Mimes and TitIleana de We got boobs that tells us what a "ginesaurus" is.

The Beanstalk They do not even want the cartoons to dirty their blog and we summarize very well the reasons for anger:

There is a doctor who loves comic strips that in his spare time is dedicated to portray the women who put themselves in his hands, leaving them from ignorant to whores. That everyone has the right to do what he pleases in his spare time, it is true. But I do not understand how you can have the holy balls to publish it, precisely because of who they are, precisely because they put us in their hands in the most delicate moments of our lives, precisely with how agitated those waters are already and how willing we are to change certain things, precisely because more and more we demand a respect and precisely for that reason we are called ignorant, primitive, jipis, mindless, etc, etc.

Lady rabbit he wonders if it is worthy that, instead of recycling, they spend their time humiliating us and A mother is bornHe certainly points out that the vignettes reveal how some gynecologists see us and what the Spanish Gynecology Society considers funny: women with prolapses.

Monica Felipe, from Studies on the Uterus, sends an open letter to the president of the SEGO, María, de Re-educating mom He sends another.

And Laura, from Feminine and pluralHe goes directly to the doctor author of the cartoons and explains why he thinks he is insensitive and contemptuous of the women who put themselves in his hands.

The only thing I ask is that since it shows that his work is so disgusting, go do what you like, don't waste your life! and leave your place to a person capable of doing your job with love, respect and affection.

I want to mention Growing up with David That explains what we need to give birth and we don't find in a hospital. Take note gentlemen gynecologists not ginesaurus.

And I finish with the great Lady Vaga, the diva that rambles, which, in her blog Dolce Far Niente He explains that humor can be done without insulting anyone and that "gynesaur" we do not consider it insult, but definition, and you know, not of everyone but of those who bite.

Next Tuesday we will publish another review by moms and dads blogs We like them the most. If you want us to read you, in the comments, give us the address of your blog.

Video: RAMKOTA HOTEL in WYOMING. 2 Men And A Dog (July 2024).