The birth rate of 2010 fell in line with the figures for 2003

During the last years the birth rate had been rising from year to year, not too much, but enough to look at the figures with hopeful air.

Already in 2009 the figure dropped a bit, showing that it could be the beginning of a possible decline. Well, the data related to 2010 confirm, as Lola explained in January, that the families of Spain are having fewer children.

Specifically, 10.51 children were born last year for every 10,000 inhabitants, equivalent to 1.38 children per couple, far from the 11.37 per 10,000 born in 2008, equivalent to the figure of 1.46 children per couple.

The "best" of the matter is that the figures for 2008 were quite low in terms of birth and that now, that we still have fewer children on average, one wonders who the hell will pay our pensions when we get to retire (well, I know who will do: Rita the cantaora).

Even so the lowest figures occurred in 1995, when 9.23 children were born for every 10,000 inhabitants, which amounted to 1.17 children per couple (you know that for the generational change to occur, the logical thing is that a couple has at least 2 children).

From that year the figures began to improve, going through 9.85 per 10,000 inhabitants (1.23 children per couple) in 2000, the 10.71 births per 10,000 inhabitants (1.34 children per couple) in 2005, until reaching 1.46 commented in 2008.

Now, after two years of descent, we have to wait until next year to find out how many babies are being born this year, although the figures are likely to be even lower for obvious reasons: we are in a crisis that, as he says, has just begun, Almost half of young people are unemployed and aid for having children has been reduced to almost disappear.

That said, I hope Rita la cantaora has money for everyone ...

Video: How The News LIES To You (July 2024).