A water war to relieve heat

There is no talk of anything else these days in Spain and in many countries: it is very hot. Some are not fortunate enough to enjoy vacations and with what the sun sets there are times that it is better stay home.

This for children can be very tedious, because if we do not have air conditioning (or turn it off even to rest) the heat is unbearable, they do not feel like doing anything and they get bored, even the television does not fancy so much ...

I propose a refreshing alternative that can be very fun for children and adults, yes, if we have a suitable space for her. How about a water war? Or launch water to our playmates everywhere, as you prefer ...

If we have no possibility of going to the pool, the beach or the river ... we can put on our swimsuits and go out to the balcony, to the terrace or to the garden. Take the time to water the plants, or any other time. The park, if we don't bother anyone (and this is important, huh?).

As projectiles we will use water pipes, balloons, small containers ... Any object that can contain water, that is safe and that is easy to throw at the other serves us. We just have to be careful with slips, and not bothering others.

Surely children end up exhausted but not heated, do not worry, we are in summer and do not fear colds because they will not stay cold ... With our refreshing home water war A fun time is guaranteed in which we will all enjoy as children.

Video: Prevent Heat Illness in Training and Combat (July 2024).