Highlights in Babies and more: from May 30 to June 5

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents that we published the previous week in Babies and more.

Days ago we announced the launch of BabyNes, the Nespresso of the bottles, and now we wanted to make a more in-depth analysis of this new gadget for babies commenting on why BabyNes is not recommended for babies and why it is not recommended for the pockets of the Popes.

Speaking of pockets, we have asked you if you have decided not to have more children as a result of the crisis and something important to maintain the family union in times of crisis, we have talked about how to make children understand when there are problems in the family economy.

This week's question is aimed at punishment. We wanted to know your opinion about whether whipping children should be considered abuse, so we invite you to participate in our new Answers section.

We have also asked you if you had any amulets during childbirth that had any special significance at that momentous moment in your lives.

Also about births, but now about the postures to give birth we have commented that vertical birth reaches Mexican hospitals, and paradoxically we have seen vertical births in the pre-Columbian air, which teaches us that this was the natural way of giving to light several centuries ago.

We have also commented on a study that states that caesareas are related to a higher social status, an investigation according to which women of a higher social position have a certain tendency to caesarean section and medicalization of births.

A very topical issue in recent days has been that of cucumbers exculpated from being contaminated with E.Coli bacteria, so we have taken the opportunity to inform what is E.Coli and how to prevent infection in children ?.

About babies immediately after childbirth we have known a very interesting fact: that a newborn becomes contaminated with his mother seems to be the most advisable, because the more the baby touches his mother at birth and the less he touches other things, the better for his health .

Social networks have reached such a point that an unborn baby has more than 300 friends on Facebook. Another curiosity, not without controversy, is the decision of some Canadian parents not to reveal the sex of their already born baby.

When talking about fraternal relationships, we wanted to talk about something very important for the personality of our children that is summed up in one sentence: When I grow up I want to be like my older brother.

Finally, we have given some Tips and suggestions when choosing and buying a toy and if you are thinking about shopping, maybe you want to take a look at the personalized vinyl with the child's name for the children's room or BoostApak: backpack and car lift, all in one.

This week, in Babies and more, many more things.

Video: Carlos forcibly makes advances on Romina. Kadenang Ginto Recap With Eng Subs (July 2024).