More playtime with children

Because the benefit it has for children is incalculable, the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers recommends more playtime with children.

Precisely, a few days ago we commented that playing with children is key to their development, but unfortunately the day-to-day rush makes us often forget something as basic and simple as playing with our children.

At least 10 or 15 minutes dedicated daily to family play are enough to get the benefits it provides in children. Playing with them makes them happier, imaginative, tolerant and more successful in school.

In addition, it is a fundamental basis for the development of his personality. Accompany them in the game gives them securityIt promotes their self-esteem, promotes interfamily relations and reinforces the emotional bond with their children, creating a bridge of mutual understanding.

If they are still interested in knowing more benefits of the game with their children, they should know that it allows more emotional self-control, fosters creativity and school success, promotes popularity and social competence, favors attention, and promotes happiness. No more no less.

In addition, parents also discover that it is an ideal way to disconnect from the routine. Getting up to children and having fun with them, whether with toys or without them, is a great family therapy.

So, from here we encourage all parents to pass more playtime with children.

Video: Children Need More Outdoor Playtime (July 2024).