Highlights in Babies and more: February 21-27

Today as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

Close as we are from Carnival we have begun to bring some ideas and related topics such as safety in children's costumes, original carnival costumes for babies and carnival masks to print from well-known characters.

In relation to future mothers we have given some advice in the pregnant office: postural advice, we have explained that special parking is needed for pregnant women and we have talked about an always interesting topic, Rh incompatibility and dangers for pregnancy. We have also touched on the issue of pregnancy and disability with the interview with Estrella Gil: "Some disabled people dare to have children," interviews the author of "Adapted Maternity."

With regard to moms, we have talked about healthy life in moms on the move: getting in shape with the baby, we have explained that they reconcile more with female bosses and on this same topic we have explained that Spain does not trust the benefits of labor conciliation and familiar and talked about childcare at work.

Speaking of the babies, the other protagonists of the blog, we have shown the photo of sextuplets that caused sensation on the internet, we have talked about the baby's room in bright colors and we have touched the child's dream again to know if there is any problem in which the Baby sleep all night.

Also speaking of babies and in this case of humidifiers we have explained what they are for and types and we have offered an interesting selection of models.

Focusing now on the upbringing and education of children, we have explained what is the importance of free play, we have initiated an interesting series of entries with the passion to learn (I) and we have explained what the limits are.

We have also talked about children who cause vomiting at night to not be alone, according to Estivill's vision and according to Rosa Jové's vision, and we have explained that Laura Gutman's lectures are priced at gold. In addition, we have offered you another one of our children´s crush with Aran and the cream of the decorative ass.

Finally, addressing the issue of food, we have talked about a special diet to improve the symptoms of children with attention deficit, we have explained how to prevent the appearance of cracks in the nipple for those mothers who are breastfeeding or intend to do so and Mireia has shown us her recipes for ice cream with breast milk.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

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