What will my baby be like? Routan BabyMaker 3000

Today we talk about a free tool that reveals how our son will be, the Routan BabyMaker 3000. In a simple way, in just three steps, we get a virtual image of the future (or imaginary) baby.

On the web host-d.oddcast, which offers different creation tools that allow users to create or customize animated characters, we find the Routan BabyMaker 3000.

As usual, to obtain the image of the baby we must upload a photo of the face of the mother and another of the father (the image can be from our archive, from the Internet or we can photograph it with the webcam). We can increase, move or rotate the images, but it is convenient that the face is centered.

We must select the breed of each parent that "gives the genes" to the baby. Before giving the result, you may ask us to adjust a photo with the main points of the face, marking for example eyes, nose tip, chin and ears.

Then we just have to give "make your baby" and we get the result in a few seconds. We can save the image, share it on Facebook, send it by email, print it ...

Actually Routan BabyMaker 3000 It is a tool that was working a few years ago on the Volkswagen website with relative success (in fact, in the end an image of the car they advertised is maintained), but that disappeared from its site and despite being very much in demand, it could not be find.

Now we see it again in a simplified but effective version to do all the tests we want, with our photos, those of celebrities, fictional characters ... If you want know what the baby will look like with Routan BabyMaker 3000 you just have to take a couple of photos of dad and mom, that the program mixes them and voila!

Official Site | host-d.oddcast On Babies and more | What will my son be like? Face Research, what will my son be like? Make-my-baby !, You can already know who your baby will look like: Make me Babies

Video: babymaker (July 2024).