"Pregnant zero alcohol", new website and Health campaign

A few days ago we announced that you were going to launch a new campaign of the Ministry of Health against alcohol consumption in pregnancy, and it has already become effective. These days we will listen and read by different means that "If you are pregnant, there is no excuse that is worth."

The campaign, which is distributed mainly on the Internet, has as its center the website Pregnancy Zero Alcohol, an interesting site where you can consult a lot of information about it.

The posters and brochures chosen for advertising seem to me very successful, with the image of a pregnant woman and her partner, smiling, hugging the belly. Without dramatisms, as it was intended when announcing the bases for the campaign, and involving the couple.

In fact, this would be the most remarkable point of the campaign, because the responsibility of drinking alcohol does not fall on the woman, she runs away at all times from concepts of accusation or guilt, the image of the father is used a lot ... They also involve the rest of the family and society, ensuring that "Zero consumption is a matter of many":

The couple, family, friends and coworkers play an important role in reducing the consumption of alcohol of a pregnant woman to zero. They must be as responsible as she is and stand in solidarity with her situation at all times, avoiding consumption. The correct development of the baby is a commitment that both the pregnant woman and all the people in her environment must acquire.

In addition to the motto "If you are pregnant there is no excuse that is worth", it emphasizes all the situations in which we fall into the error of having a drink:

For your birthday. Because a day is a day. For your anniversary. Because it is the custom. For the farewell of your friend. For that promotion at work. For not looking bad. For the family.

Situations in which more than one will be portrayed, since they are the ones in which pregnant women can often be seen. The advertising spots, which have been created in a long format of 45 seconds and another short of 10 seconds, also insist on the different situations and responsibility of all.

A bottle talking about breastfeeding and alcohol

It is also recommended not to drink during the period of breastfeeding, which also seems correct, although if I have to put some "stick" to the ad is that in the spot, as we see in the image above, a bottle appears on the table while the father is holding the baby and just when referring to breastfeeding.

I think it would have been more successful at this point to show the image of the mother or, simply, save the image of the bottle, which is not that it is anything bad or strange in itself, but if it is to offer a normalized image of breastfeeding , which is what is recommended from all responsible health agencies, is not the most appropriate, it seems contradictory.

It is complicated to assume that it is breast milk because in the announcement the mother is present on the scene, so the message does not add up: newborn baby who takes a bottle ... It is true that she is very healthy because the mother did not drink alcohol during pregnancy, although Now he is talking about breastfeeding, so if the baby drinks a bottle it does not matter if the mother drinks a beer or a glass of wine.

It is not the first time that a bottle is shown next to or taken by newborn babies, which does not seem appropriate given the importance of advertising and audiovisual references in general to establish the image of what is best for the baby and what that it would be desirable for it to generalize. And especially I don't see it adequate in institutional advertising of this kind.

Apart from these considerations that some will see punctilious, we end up adding that the website is completed with sections such as the links of interest, frequently asked questions or to expand information on alcohol consumption, in addition to places where you can download or view the posters, brochures and videos in several languages.

As we see, with "Pregnant zero alcohol", the new website and campaign of the Ministry of Health, all those topics that most of us know but are often forgotten or overlooked with any excuse that puts our health and that of the baby at risk.

Official Site | Pregnant women with zero alcohol In Babies and more | Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is one of the most frequent causes of mental retardation, Absolutely no alcohol during pregnancy, "For a pregnancy without", campaign against alcohol consumption